Do not send Grant Notify email when a grant is unposted
We would like to be able to turn off the Grant Unpost email, as it tends to cause concern for Fund Advisors when minor changes are made to a posted grant. It would be nice to separate the settings!

If you delete any content from the Grant_unpost_notify_email_body content area, the emails will not send.
Natalia Siegel commented
1000000000% i am tired of getting yelled at by donors!
Mickey Blymier commented
It would be nice if the notification for manual gifts were only sent when donors received (or marked as receiving) a receipt of their gift. From our end, that would ensure it was posted to the correct account.
acarter commented
Please consider separating the option of Fund Advisor notification on Posting a Grant/Donation and UNPOSTING a Grant/Donation. It is very confusing for donors if I have to go back and correct something like maybe it was posted to the wrong GL account and I have to open it up to correct it. My donors get a notification that their grant/donation was unposted and it is very confusing.