Profile Types & Permissions
We allow many people to get into Profile Types. That’s an easy way to view and export profiles based on the assigned type. Once we give someone the Profile Type permission, they can get in there. So far so good. Then there’s permissions for Archive Profile Type and Delete Profile Type. However, those permissions are surprisingly narrowly defined to just the Profile Types. Nothing applies to Profile Fund Categories, Address Types, Email Types and Genders. So anyone who has the Profile Type permission can fully delete any of those, which is not good. And anyone can create any type and anyone can edit and rename any type, including the base Profile Types.
The Archive Profile Type and Delete Profile Type permissions should apply to all of the listed types. And there really should be an Edit Profile Types and Create Profile Types permission as well. That would close the exposure. But for now we’d be happy if the main Delete and Archive permissions applied to all the types.

Jenny Molyneaux commented
Profile Types & Permissions
I'd like to bring back the idea of adding new permissions for Creating and Editing profile types/profile fund categories, Address Types, Email Types and Genders. Also, adding Delete and Archive permissions applied to all the types. -
Jesika Ellis commented
Truly, this is so desperately needed for any Foundations managing a database for many different levels of staff. Please separate Edit and Create permissions for any and all coding or labeling options throughout CSuite!