Delete Automatically Generated Grant Letters
We need someone without permissions to edit checks to be able to delete the new automatically created grant letters. Permissions to edit checks are limited to our Finance department but it is our Grants Manager who would edit a grant letter if needed and would need to be able to delete the automatically generated and attached grant letter. We would much rather have the grant letters be able to be deleted from the grants permissions as that's where they are created. Even if that means deleting it from multiple grants. Please change this to allow someone without Finance permissions to be able to delete the letters. Or make the auto generating and attaching optional
Grants/Scholarships: Enhanced the grant or scholarship record with the option to delete grant/scholarship letters. Enhanced the grant/scholarship letters to print in alphabetical order. Renamed the left hand menu item within document bucket, from Send Documents to Process Documents Vouchers: Added the create checks option back to the left hand menu. Templates: Added the ability to disable grant letters when using a check template that has the grant letter on it. This is a new checkbox on the check template No Grant/SShip Letters.
[Deleted User] commented
Yes, the generation of grant letters and their attaching to grant files should be optional. And the ability to delete should live on the grants side.
We are having a lot of trouble with the new automatically generated letters as we use the template feature differently for different kinds of grants. Also, we frequently edit the letters before they go out the door so automatically attaching the letters to the grant is inaccurate and creates a big problem for us.
We either have to stop using the template feature all together or manually delete the letters that are inaccurate. Since the grant letters live with the checks, it would be very easy to accidently delete the checkrun document. And there is not a way to batch delete them - it is very tedious!