Allow filtering by Closed Funds when searching for transactions
It would be helpful if, from an account, when searching for transactions, the ability to filter for a closed fund were possible. We tend to need this information for audit related items and any funds that closed during the year are frustrating to get to the relevant information.
Release Note from 7/31/2023:
General Ledger: Added the ability to search closed funds through the General Ledger. There is now a new checkbox next to the Fund field Include Closed. This will allow clients the option to display closed funds in searches.
Lindsay Fountain commented
An example: If I am working through our donations revenue account and need to see all of the donations for a particular fund for the previous year, from the Account, I can search transactions in that account for particular dates and filter by any fund that is still active. But any fund that closed in the previous year, I end up exporting the GL for that account to excel and filtering that way because it is easier than using the system.