Allow users to have their own personal dashboard that tracks stats relevant to their role.
Allow each user the ability to set up their own dashboard so they can see at a glance some data that is of interest to just them, tasks, etc, all in one place.. Perhaps by using widgets or similar.
The following was released on 8/8/2024:
Site: Updated the Home page to have a personalized Dashboard or landing page. This option can be accessed by going to "Me" information where a new "Dashboard" option has been added to the left-hand menu. This will prompt you to edit your dashboard if no charts have been selected. Users can select from the list of dashboards available from: Donations, Events, Funds, Grants, Opportunity, Profile, Scholarship, and Vouchers. Dashboards can be organized in Rows and users will move items between rows by dragging the chart name. Row can be removed using the delete button to the right of each row and rows can be added by using the add row button at the top of the table.
Users can choose to make the dashboard their landing page for a more customized start to their CSuite experience by selecting the Set As Landing Page left hand menu. Any dashboard page within CSuite can become now become the landing page. For example, the grants manager can select the Grant's Dashboard as their landing page. To clear the landing page dashboard go to the "Me" information and select Reset Landing Page.
The "Me" information is found by selecting the user's name in the top right hand corner of CSuite.