Add Resubmission Date under Follow Ups/Submitted tab
Please either add a column that is a Resubmitted date, or modify the date that is shown under Submitted to be the most recent date the form is submitted. It only shows the original submission date. Often, after reviewing payment request forms, we revert the form back to Draft so grantee can correct/complete form and resubmit. But when we look at Submitted tab it still shows their original submission date, not the date they submitted their corrected version. We like that we can export the Submitted date...thanks for implementing that! Enhancing with above suggestion will make that feature all the more useful.

Penny Halstead commented
These would all be really helpful when we have to move a submitted follow up report or application back to draft and would like to track their resubmission dates.
Another helpful date would be date reassigned, when we send the follow up report or application back to draft. Our Board sometimes ask us for this information and it would be helpful for them to see it.
Curtis commented
Those are perfect!
Kelli Rojas commented
All of the above would be immensely helpful!
Tom Wickersham commented
That looks comprehensive to me, thanks.
Curtis commented
Chuck commented
This is still a much needed feature - I don't understand why anyone would prefer to see the original submission date (which can be seen in the Status Change Log) instead of the most recent submission date.
Because you only see the original submission date when viewing the Follow Ups Submitted tab, it's easy to overlook those that were sent back and re-submitted. -
April Durr commented
It would be good to see the assigned due date and the actual submission date for LOI's, applications, and follow-ups. It always seems challenging when dealing with late submissions.
Thanks for considering! -
Chuck commented
Adding our support for this again, because I just wasted time on this after forgetting you see the initial date and not the resubmit date.
Chuck commented
I agree - please modify so the date is the most recent submission - if you need to see the original date you can always check the Status Log.
Even just labeling the column "Original Submission Date" would help us remember that the date does not reflect a resubmission date. -
Tom Wickersham commented
I support this idea. It's important for us to be able to review the follow up forms based on what's the oldest in the queue, so having a "last submitted date" field would be extremely helpful. Thanks Jessica for the suggestion!