Allow for weighting of different evaluation questions
At this point, we are having to use an external, web-based tool called Jotform to do our quantitative evaluation of proposals because of that programs ability to weight different criteria more heavily than others. This is creating a good amount of double work as we then need to move scores and program officer summary content from Jotform back into Foundant to maintain historical memory. We'd love to see the day when we can shed Jotform altogether. Any chances of that?

Lizzie Cody commented
It would be great if we could weight the evaluation forms/questions we create for evaluation. In our grant rounds, we need to be able to add more or less weight to different questions in order to get a more accurate picture of evaluation.
Kevin Lugo commented
This seems like a great idea for those using more complex evaluation systems!
Lynnette Donaldson commented
I was searching for information about weighting evaluation questions and just found this very helpful stream. We absolutely need to improve our evaluation process and it has become obvious weighting questions is imperative, even if we have to move outside of Foundant to complete our evaluations (which would be a huge pain). If anyone sees this and would be willing to share a rubric, I would be grateful to hear from you!
Frances commented
This would make my life so much easier. We currently have an entirely excel based tool that we use and manually input the scores (both raw and weighted) for each criteria for each grant assessed so that we can report on them in the future.
Tom Wickersham commented
Agreed! Foundant needs to add the ability to weigh some scoring questions. Right now any scoring questions is valued at 1x the score. But many evaluation systems rely on some questions carrying more weight, so that a score might be 1.5x or 2x or more. This should be a simple fix and would benefit not only those who can't use the existing system like Anonymous above, but would also allow other users to expand existing scoring rubrics.
Mary Giraulo commented
There's a similar suggestion here:
Copying my comment from that page: The scoring definitely needs some custom options added. We have a grant where all sections are graded 1-5, but there is a multiplier that varies per section - so a 5 may count as 10 points in one section and 15 in another. Since the system calculates the overall score as a percentage without any knowledge of our multipliers, the system currently is very confusing for panelists to use. Custom scoring would be great!!!
Mary Giraulo commented
Mary Giraulo commented
The scoring definitely needs some custom options added. We have a grant where all sections are graded 1-5, but there is a multiplier that varies per section - so a 5 may count as 10 points in one section and 15 in another. Since the system calculates the overall score as a percentage without any knowledge of our multipliers, the system currently is very confusing for panelists to use. Custom scoring would be great!!!
Erin Baird commented
Custom scoring would be helpful to us too.
Additionally it would be good to make scoring questions optional. We have an application with 1-4 strategies. I would to be able to make scoring questions for strategies 2-4 optional as they may not apply. If I just add n/a to the scoring options someone may score the 2nd strategy as N/A even though I want an app has two strategies. Does this make sense? I dream of the ability to add skip logic to forms!
Marissa Vix commented
I also struggle with the weighted questions inability on Foundant. We have to use our own equations instead of paying attention to the scores Foundant already calculates. I wish there would be a way to just make the numbers worth more? Example: 1-10 for a non-weighted questions and 20-29 for a weighted one? Just an idea... I would love to see this updated!
Dana Berggren commented
Some criteria for both our grant and scholarship programs carries more weight than other criteria in making the final decision. Our committee members would like the evaluation scoring to automatically take this into account. For example, scholarship criteria may be based on 50% financial need, 25% academic achievement and 25% leadership. Evaluation responses for the question pertaining to financial need should be weighted appropriately and reflect in the average score for the application.
Christine commented
We use a 5-item scale on our proposal reviews to ask reviewers to rate how likely they would be to recommend a proposal for funding. Each response has a certain number of points, but the scale is weighted towards the very likely/definitely end. No=0 points, doubtful=5 points, probably=10 points, very likely=20 points, and definitely=30 points.
Is it possible to create a custom scaled question, so that we'd have the 5 choices with our point values, rather than the whole scale from 0-30?