Settings and activity
18 results found
27 votes
Lynnette Donaldson supported this idea ·
76 votes
Lynnette Donaldson supported this idea ·
102 votes
Lynnette Donaldson supported this idea ·
131 votes
Lynnette Donaldson supported this idea ·
83 votes
Lynnette Donaldson supported this idea ·
160 votes
Lynnette Donaldson supported this idea ·
31 votes
Lynnette Donaldson supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment -
29 votes
Lynnette Donaldson supported this idea ·
140 votes
Lynnette Donaldson supported this idea ·
14 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Lynnette Donaldson commented
Yes! Organization contacts can view all previously submitted applications, but they can only view grant agreements and grant reports they have submitted personally. While this may be necessary for certain GLM users, it would be very helpful for us if this feature could be toggled on, so that every person connected to an organization could view applications and follow-ups. For us, limiting this information to one individual does not help us serve the organizations we grant to.
Lynnette Donaldson supported this idea ·
44 votes
Lynnette Donaldson supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Lynnette Donaldson commented
It would be really helpful if all the contacts in an organization could access previously submitted Grant Reports and Grant Agreements, the same way they can view all the applications previously submitted by others in their organization. This would enable new contacts to access historical information to complete follow-ups assigned to them and print these documents without having to contact me to do this for them. Thanks!
56 votes
Lynnette Donaldson supported this idea ·
66 votes
Lynnette Donaldson supported this idea ·
83 votes
Lynnette Donaldson supported this idea ·
96 votes
Lynnette Donaldson supported this idea ·
4 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Lynnette Donaldson commented
Absolutely Chris, at the moment we have to remember to turn off all our processes at 4pm the day of the deadline. We would love to be able to set a hard time and date deadline. Having said this, I also would like to be able to generate a report telling me the time of each sumbmission, so I wouldn't have to sift through my email confirmation notices to find this information.
Thanks for asking!
LynnetteLynnette Donaldson shared this idea ·
18 votes
Lynnette Donaldson supported this idea ·
17 votes
Lynnette Donaldson supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Lynnette Donaldson commented
It's the word packet that is vague. I know it's wordy, but why not Print Completed Form, or Print Document
I was searching for information about weighting evaluation questions and just found this very helpful stream. We absolutely need to improve our evaluation process and it has become obvious weighting questions is imperative, even if we have to move outside of Foundant to complete our evaluations (which would be a huge pain). If anyone sees this and would be willing to share a rubric, I would be grateful to hear from you!