Request Status Name and Additional Options
It would be nice that also included would be Close Request - Incomplete and Close Request - Complete.

Conner Peckham commented
It would be amazing to have the ability to add a new workflow state or application status that fits our individual processes more. Even if we were restricted to a certain number of additional states within a given workflow bucket, but had the ability to label them whatever we'd like, that would be helpful.
Laynie Gottsch commented
I would like to see the following statuses:
-LOI declined
-LOI abandonedThanks!
Vonda Carr commented
To add to the customize status idea, it would be great to have stages in the status option. Our applications go through multiple layers of review (staff, committee, board, notification, etc.) and to be able to say which stage the application is in would be stress reducing for applicants. Even more so for applicants that have multiple application in multiple processes.
Lisa Diehl commented
Similarly, it would be nice to have an option for an application to be marked as "Inactive" (as oppossed to "Abandoned"). Another option could be "Withdrawn".
[Deleted User] commented
I would also love to see additional options or customizable options for "status". We use slightly different language than Tom, but are facing a similar issue. We need a way to distinguish when an application has been "withdrawn" instead of "abandoned" or "denied".
We currently use "abandoned" when an application is not submitted: either the applicant abandons their own proposal prior to submission or admin abandons a draft proposal after the deadline has passed. "Denied" applications have gone through the review process and were not selected for funding.
But, right now we can't distinguish "withdrawn" applications. By that I mean applications that are submitted but do not go through the full review process. Typically if an organization clearly does not meet our eligibility criteria (not a nonprofit, serves outside of our geographical area etc.) we withdraw the application instead of taking it through the full review process. We need a way to distinguish those submissions from the denied ones.
Deirdre commented
SLM I have a couple of students each year that go on a mission and can be gone for several years. I would like to be able to put them "On hold" and indeed I have a significant amount of students that did not start on time or missed a semester or a year - they are completed, not abandoned and no to be deleted
Dana commented
It would be nice to add the close request if no action is to be taken from the complete bucket. Not every grant should be "abandoned".
Frances commented
I would second this suggestion - we used "denied" as "ineligible" and "declined" as "decision made by the board to not fund".
Melissa commented
It would be nice to have a quick glance from the Organization Summary/Request History tab showing past applications as Closed - Complete or Closed - Incomplete.
Closed - Complete = all granting terms completed
Closed - Incomplete = not all granting terms completed -
Melissa commented
It would also be helpful to our applicants could see if their awarded application was Closed - Complete or Closed Incomplete. (Attached you will find a screenshot showing suggestion from proxy applicant view)
Gloria Dillard commented
I like this idea but I would like to add to it. I would like the option of closed and completed. When the grants are completed, that means that their projects are done but that doesn't necessarily mean that the work is done. We also expect publications and presentation outcomes. Once they've exhausted all outcomes, then the grant is closed. Also, when the grant is completed, they should still have access to the follow-up forms so they can report their outcomes.
Cathy Welborn commented
YES!!! Great idea!
Tom Wickersham commented
Language is important and we take great pride in using "Denied" and "Declined" in different ways. An application that is "Denied" is one that is ineligible, whereas a "Declined" application is one where the committee declined the opportunity to fund it. "Declined" is a much gentler/softer term, much less harsh than "Denied." It would be great if Foundant would allow us to both "Deny" and "Decline" an application. However, if that's not an option, we would love to be able to change "Denied" to "Declined" or make this designation customizable (like how we can customize the Evaluator role name). Thank you for your consideration.
Vonda Carr commented
A status of "withdrawn" would be helpful. I have wanted this status before but now, as a result of COVID-19, it would be even more helpful. Several applicants submitted applications that were on track to be approved but they withdrew them because the program could not move forward. Denied seems harsh and in ten years you will have to go in and read the comments to find out it was actually denied but withdrawn.
Sara Cryan commented
This would be extremely helpful for SLM as well to be able be able to have an application as incomplete vs marking it abandoned. I would like to use "Abandoned" strictly for applications that were never submitted or submitted on accident, and use "Incomplete" when an application is submitted but is missing 3rd party requests, file uploads, etc.
I think adding a quick "Ineligible" option would also be extremely helpful. Many applicants will submit applications when they aren't eligible. Those applications are not even presented to our committees for review so it would make more sense to mark them as ineligible vs having to deny or mark them abandoned.
Jessica Saavedra commented
It would help me sort out all of my requests if there was an additional request status for grants that are expired or not closed, lumping these grants into the just "approved" bucket, doesn't differentiate grants that have been neglected or are past their completion dates.
Alberto Espinoza commented
This would be a very helpful feature. There are certain organizations that never complete their forms and we would like to keep that as a record for future reference and close the project at the same time.
Automatically marking a form complete because we are closing a project makes it seem like the organization met all requirements when that is not the case.
Mariah Williams commented
This would be a really excellent feature. We have tens of grants in which forms were never complete, but I'd still like to close them. If I close them now, it marks the forms complete. A closed/incomplete status would be very helpful, as long as it clearly identified that the previous grant was closed with forms incomplete for future decision making.
Debbie commented
I need to be able to mark a grant report follow up as "incomplete" and be able to close the grant as incomplete. This can be used in the future when making decisions on grants for an organization that has not sent in reports.