Make follow ups/final reports available under organization history
Right now it seems like there isn't a way for applicants to see their completed follow ups/final reports from previous grants by other users from their organization. Under Organization History, only the application is available. New grantwriters with an organization want to be able to see how previous final reports were filled out or how a project turned out.
Angela commented
Yes please! This makes it difficult for new staff members of ministries to have full access to their predecessors information. They are working with only a partial picture of the work. I know we can "assign" follow ups to a new user, but that is time consuming, and if the application is already "closed" it poses another problem. THank you.!
Debbie Mueller commented
Agreed. If I've set the ability for all applicants within an organization to view all applications for the organization, to me that really means they should have the ability to view the whole request, in the same way that the person who applied can. If there is concern that some clients of GLM want to prevent others from a grantee organization from seeing the follow up forms, while allowing them to view the application and LOI, you could refine the switch to specify the access allowed.
Amy Heinemann commented
We would really appreciate this update!!!
Tess Weinberg commented
I agree that this would be very helpful. Thank you.
James Patterson commented
There is often turnover in the NPO community. Having followups and emails, etc. available to all organizational applicants would be super helpful.
Carol Reynolds commented
This is a major problem with staff turnover--it would be great if ALL org history including emails and follow-up forms could be seen by anyone with access to the org history!
Lynnette Donaldson commented
It would be really helpful if all the contacts in an organization could access previously submitted Grant Reports and Grant Agreements, the same way they can view all the applications previously submitted by others in their organization. This would enable new contacts to access historical information to complete follow-ups assigned to them and print these documents without having to contact me to do this for them. Thanks!
Cheryl Lee commented
We have new personnel at several organizations asking to access follow ups for grants under their Organization History. It would be helpful for them to be able to view that information
Dana Jeffery commented
Yes, this is a real problem. For various reasons we ask for the Follow Up submission to be uploaded within the renewal request, but when a new applicant comes in to apply under renewal, they cannot view the previous follow up information, and they then have to get in touch with us. So we have to get the copy in there for them...
We have the Organization View open on our site, and it seems strange that they can view the request information and the award details, but no follow ups. Why would this tab be unavailable?
I was actually unaware of this issue, mostly because -in the past- organizations would share log in details when there was a change in staff, and so they would have had access, in this scenario.
We have now made a note to applicants that we prefer to keep track of changes in staffing and now create log ins for each organization's new contacts, so this is posing quite an issue. They should be able to see everything in the Organization View for these grant histories. I am trying to understand why this wouldn't be available...
Any information about the reasoning might help us, so we can figure out a way to find a work around. Or convince you to change the setting! :) -
Vonda Carr commented
I noticed this as well. I now have a few organizations that have their contact person retiring and the new contact cannot see any previous follow ups. This makes the use of letting grantees see administrator comments useless.
Dana Berggren commented
I agree! I just realized applicants can't see others' final reports within their own organization. We work with a lot of volunteer-based organizations that have high turnover. It would be very helpful for applicants to see how it's been done before.