Folders for Communications Templates
It would be great if we could put email templates in folders by grant opportunity. We have so many on our CF and have to scroll down to find each one because they are so different. Please make folders to make it easier to find the templates we need.

Aileen Randolph commented
Are you using good naming protocols for the templates? We are using Universal for templates that cross programs and program names in the titles of the others.
Debbie Mueller commented
Or maybe allow for tags. My email templates could potentially be filed in multiple folders; tags would solve for this. I.e. I might tag a template with both the process and the form it's used with: #LatitudeFund, #Application, #ReceiptConfirmation. This way it will be included in a search for all emails with any of these tags.
Miranda Lape commented
It would also be great to have folders for the merge templates!
Megan Donovan commented
I came here to make this suggestion!
Erica Williams commented
This seems like it should be easy. Folders were recently added to the :Tools" "Shared Documents". Like so many organizations we have different applications that require different email templates. There has got to be a better way.