Allow the ability to copy groups and questions to use for creating multiple identical groups on the same form. I
Copy groups and Questions

SB Levine commented
This is a major omission in functionality. The BOAT method is a cumbersome alternative. Copying questions and groups should be part of the workflow.
In addition to copying, having the ability to add questions as repeaters would be helpful.
i.e. How many activities would you like to list? (pull down from 0-10) Depending on the answer the group would copy 10 times and append a number to the field name automatically.
Rebecca Harden-Jones commented
I just used the chat function to see if this was a possibility. I have to have ten of the same question group, and it would save so much time if this were a functionality.
dawn commented
We would love to see this! We are currently creating a process that will include up to 10 of the same detailed groups
Sarah Dittman commented
In the Application (or any) portion of a process, we need to be able to copy questions from one question group to another question group. These are different from Shared Questions and would save an immense amount of time instead of copying each question manually and individually.
Graham commented
This functionality needs to come to Foundant ASAP. Complicated GLM sites are hampered by the time it takes to copy and paste in the system.
[Deleted User] commented
The ability to copy groups of questions on forms would really be useful when paired with question branching. Example: We currently have different "Attachment" question groups on our applications and use question branching to ask for the attachments that apply to that Fund, request amount, etc. But right now we need to manually recreate the Attachment question groups and then tweak slightly based on the requirements. It would be so much easier if we could copy the question groups!
Andrea Clements commented
This is the closest suggestion in Idea Lab I could find for what I'd like to suggest. It would be great to be able to copy questions from different processes without having to use the time consuming BOAT method to match the code in the back for reporting. For instance, we have changed the way we'd like to collect demographic data within our grant application/final report. Our processes are already created and I need to add those questions to each process, and want the questions to be easily reportable without manually adding each question because they aren't linked in the background. Right now, my only option is to use the BOAT method. If I could build the demographic questions in one application, then copy and paste them to all other applications while keeping the background code, that would be ideal.
Beth Harrison commented
This would be awesome and especially if we could copy tables!!!
Beth Harrison commented
This would be an awesome feature especially if you can include being able to copy tables!!!
Julie Looper commented
I agree, especially for SLM. Example. List extracurricular activity you have been involved with during High School. You do not want them to list 10 different types of activities in one answer, so you would give them Activity #1, Activity #2, Activity #3, etc. to complete their answers. If you could just copy this and update the # each time, it would be so beneficial time wise for the person creating the application. It takes a lot of time to do repetitive questions on an application.
Marsha Strauss commented
As I said, while creating an application or form. Wasn't thinking across processes, but if you find a way, I'm sure that option might be used
Marsha Strauss commented
Pretty self explanatory. Sometimes questions are so similar, you just need to make a little change. How frustrating to have to re-invent a wheel.
Kevin Lugo commented
Building on the idea of standardized questions and a question bank: if there were standard questions saved and accessible across processes, they could function similar to 'system questions' in that they would be available in different dashboard views.
I have a question on my reviews that asks if the applicant should receive a grant. I would like my evaluation dashboard to be able to display a column with the answers ("Yes, full"; "Yes, partial"; "No") but this only works for one process at a time, because the questions are unique to each process.
, today that in the 'Evaluation' page I would like to be able to a question titled "Grant?" which
Kevin Lugo commented
What would make a lot of sense to me is having 'Master Forms' and 'Master Questions' that are not assigned to a specific process. Then admins can assign the master form to different processes where the same form is used. If a change is made to the master an admin could select which processes would synchronize the update. If a process is synced, the form retains a link to the master. If it is not synced, or a process form is manually edited, it un-links from the Master and becomes its own form.
This would also work for Master Questions - I like the idea of being able to drag and drop Master Questions to create a new form using. The point is we often reuse materials many times for many processes, and it should be easier to do so and keep track of those changes.
Example 1: I found a small error where my instructions were confusing on a grant agreement form. I caught this after I had already copied the form several times. I had to go back and edit each copy instead of being able to make a single change and apply it to all affected processes.
Example 2: I have a standard follow-up report form. I decide mid-year that I want to add an additional question to any process that hasn't reached the follow-up stage yet. If there was a Master Form being used, I could update it and choose to only update the processes that are still open. The processes beyond the form stage would become de-synced from the Master so they are not changed.
Isabel Eljaiek commented
Are there any updates to this? Seems like it's generated a lot of interest, I'd appreciate an update.
Karli Moore commented
I concur. I spend way too much time copying and pasting instructions and answer choices into separate groups to use branching. Would be great to copy an entire group of questions and then just change the labels as needed.
Rhonda Soos commented
I agree with Graham. This feature IS long overdue and is greatly needed for efficiency and consistency purposes.
Graham commented
Please create the functionality for users to copy and paste question groups within a follow up form. This allows a user to create complex forms quickly, instead of making several forms that go up incrementally (e.g. Modification Form #1, Mod Form #2, etc.). This should all theoretically be held within one form if we opt for it to.
Graham commented
This is a necessary formatting tool for orgs that utilize branching heavily. Branching is a feature and it should not be limited by the need to manually generate new sections over and over. It's been two years since the last admin comment as well, I would say this feature is long over due.
Karli Moore commented
My org uses a lot of branching in forms and I'd love to be able to copy whole question group.