14 results found
Distribution start date
If a fund has to reach a certain dollar amount before it distributes, is there a way to set a Distribution Start Date by fund balance?
2 votes -
Admin Fee Report in Funds
When running an admin fee report within a fund, it only includes fees that were charged in the quarterly process or done manually. It does not include transactional admin fees charged for each donation, grant, etc. in this report. This can make it difficult to get a complete picture of the fees charged to a fund. It would be ideal if this report included ALL admin fees charged to the fund. Thanks!
18 votes -
Archive Old Admin Fee Schedules
Please make it possible to archive old and unused admin fee types. This has been proposed many times and it keeps getting closed because it's already been implemented, which is incorrect.
The only way to get rid of an admin fee type is if it's never been applied to a fund or used. This is the error message you get when you try to delete one: This fee type was used in 2 admin fee calculations and cannot be deleted.
A clean list makes it easier to process admin fees and would also help when setting up new funds -…3 votes -
Distribution Rounding
It would be helpful if we could select more rounding options for distributions, particularly a $500 round. A $250 round might also be beneficial.
2 votes -
Do Not Allow Admin Fee to make a Fund Balance Negative
Admin Fees should not make a fund balance negative. The situation we recently had was that a fund was set for closure, the final grant had been made and the balance was $0. However, the fund had not yet officially been closed in Csuite (we wait for the final check to clear.) Quarterly Admin Fees were posted which included this fund. It then made the fund balance negative. It seems an alert should pop that there are not sufficient balance to cover the fee. .....and yes, ideally we should remove the admin fee type on a fund when it is…
27 votes -
Minimum Yearly Fee
We would like to able to assess a yearly minimum fee that is not at the end of the calendar year but at the end of Q2. If we could adjust the dates for minimum fees that would be very helpful for our process.
1 vote -
Fund Fee transaction export
After posting fund fees, please allow for an export of the transaction detail. Currently once can only copy the detail and paste into excel in order to then be able to sort and analyze the data for volume of income from different fund types - an important part of my analysis, as I want to see how much partially-endowed funds are providing in comparison to fully endowed & non-endowed funds, as it's the most popular segment but the most active & unpredictable in terms of contributions and granting. Have an export will help immensely.
1 vote -
Spendable distributions scheduling
The ability to schedule when spendable grants are to be made would be very helpful. We currently maintain a spreadsheet that lists funds, grantees, and timing of grants to know when to go "grant spendable" each year. Being able to set the date to be granted on the beneficiary would be most helpful. I'm thinking something along the lines of the recurring grants process.
20 votes -
Admin Fees: choose more than one donation type for an Admin Fee
It would be great to be able to choose more than one donation type to charge an Admin Fee to. I have an Admin Fee for 2.5% on each donation that comes into the fund. But it does not pick up internal donations or stock donations. I had to add two more Admin Fee Types to get this done, rather than being able to choose all three from a drop down list.
22 votes -
Admin Fee Edit
It would be very helpful to be able to edit the calculated admin fees prior to posting. Similar to how distributions/spending calculations can be edited prior to posting.
35 votes -
set distribution amount
For those funds that specify a dollar distribution (ex: $6,000/year), it would be nice to have the ability to create and apply that distribution type. I understand it can be modified during review but could be easily missed, particularly by newer staff. If there's a good work around I'd appreciate suggestions.
19 votes -
Admin Fee Report/Audit Support
When generating the admin fees, I would like to see the total calculation that the fee is being processed on. It shows in a description box but not in a column on it's own (nor does it show the total). Would be very helpful to make sure fees are calculating on portfolio balances accurately. This was something that FIMS included on their admin fee report, it showed both the full portfolio balance along with the fee column.
29 votes -
Distribution Audit Details - Make available prior to posting
It would be highly beneficial for the Audit Details export information to be available prior to posting distributions. Without posting distributions first, the quarter ending values used to calculate distributions are not available. This makes it difficult to compare year over year data to ensure accuracy. Having the quarter ending values used in the distribution calculations prior to posting distributions would negate the need to run all distributions in Sandbox first. We discovered 2 errors in cSuite calculations due to posting in the sandbox where cSuite was not calculating QEV correctly. Access to these values first is paramount to quality…
13 votes -
Spendable amounts - rather than running a report, can an area in the fund be created to capture the yearly spendable?
Once a grant has been distributed, the spendable is reduced. We would love a quick visual that gives us a link to the full annual spendable by year for the fund(s).
15 votes
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