Sorting tax receipts by fund group/division for bulk processing
Currently, while we can have different templates available for each fund group/division, we cannot separate/sort the generated tax receipts by any functional method aside from Donation ID#.
The checkboxes that allow us to choose the receipts we want to process means we have to maintain separate lists of the donation ID#s for each division/group - and check them one by one by one by one by one ... which, when we're dealing with multiple divisions/fund groups/affiliates, makes it incredibly tedious and much LESS efficient than moving tax receipt processing and merging outside of CSuite. (I think this is also the problem when processing grant checks - no way to choose or sort by division/group/affiliate, only by grant ID#.)
Even if there were a way to select different receipt 'groups' similar to how we select for Fund Statement generation - group, subgroup, fund division!!
It would be such a great improvement to be able to filter in the Tax Receipt area on ANY meaningful criteria during the tax receipt processing.
You can now use filters to accomplish sorting by fund groups, subgroups, etc..then load the filters each time.