1099 code needs to be on voucher line level not only broadly on vendor or GL
My question is related to some activity being paid is subject to 1099 and some activity is not. Same vendor but maybe a combination on invoice payment.
FIMS would give us the option to assign at voucher level. Is there any way to do this in CSuite? Or can I only do a broad G/L account or broad profile option? This makes preparing 1099’s a bit cumbersome.
In order to create an accurate 1099 report in CSuite, you will need to create an account that is subject to 1099 report and one that is not. This is different from FIMS, 1099 is set at the account level, not the detail voucher line. For example, create an account for Professional Fees (subject to 1099 reporting) and another Professional Fees (no subject to 1099 reporting). You could use sub accounts in this example as well.
Sally Weldon commented
Michele, we created a custom field on the voucher record to track this.