Household option for public donation page
It would be nice for folks to be able to select "Household" alongside "Individual" or "Organization" when donating on the public online donation page. We have had some people donate as an individual recently and add in spouses on the "Recognition Name." This makes the donation and acknowledgement show up under the individual when we really want to acknowledge the household.
This has been implemented. Here is the release note:
Donation Portal: Added a radio button for Households. This give donors the ability to record their donations to as a Household when donating.
Jenny C commented
Hi Holly Spitz, I'm not seeing the option to donate as a household in the checkout process. Can you confirm this was implemented, or still just under consideration? Thank you.
Jenny C commented
Foundant - any update on when/if Stripe will add Household as an option for online credit card donations? This was a hoped-for suggestion 1.5 years ago but still not implemented. It would really help decrease the creation of duplicate profiles, or at least make easier the reconciliation.