Custom Fields on Scholarship Record - NOT just on Scholarship Award
We need to report on scholarship info such as target high school, field of interest, selection committee, etc. so can share with counselors, etc. Could do that with custom fields. The only scholarship custom fields are currently tied to the award, not the scholarship itself. Can't use fund custom fields because some funds have multiple scholarships. Currently managing all this in Excel.
Julie Looper commented
This would be so helpful if there were custom fields on the scholarship itself, so that you could also run a report, export, or filter on them. Example, we could have a field for whether scholarship was renewable vs one-time award. So we could run a report or filter on all scholarship renewable opportunities. There are so many custom fields we could use on scholarships in CSuite (and SLM for that matter), high school vs college, location, what awards funds can be applied to, etc., etc., There is no place to track this type of information in CSuite or SLM, other than in the descriptions.
Ellen Vietor commented
It would be helpful if the custom field allowed for a few sentences of text AND if the custom field could be used in letter templates. We send the student a letter that explains the parameters of their award and includes information about donors. I would like to use a custom field at the scholarship level to make this process easier.
Sharon Tillman commented
We are looking for a way to display and make searchable the scholarships offered both on the UA and those we manage that are not. Hosting that list on our own website and on C Suite is a huge job and one that would be made much more efficient using C Suite with a link like we can for the Funds. Right now all we can do is identify the Fund type as a "Scholarship." If there is already a way to manage this data on the SLM side that would be great to know!
Mike deHilster commented
Ran across Client wanting to report on scholarship info such as target high school, field of interest, selection committee, etc. so can share with counselors, etc. Could do that with custom fields like on the Fund records. The only scholarship custom fields are currently tied to the award, not the scholarship itself. Can't use fund custom fields because some funds have multiple scholarships. They are currently managing all this in Excel.