it makes absolutely no sense that we have to relog in and enter our emails and passwords a second time to reach idea lab.
If you are already logged into CS you should not have to log into Idea should be accessible through CS

Idea Lab is a third party product that Foundant uses for feedback. There is currently not an SSO option with that product. If that changes, we will certainly bring this idea back to proposed.
Susan Lotreck commented
Agree! I know this is a deterrent for folks to take the time to create a new idea or vote on existing ideas.
Kathleen Sayce commented
This would be a great help to me. I have been blocked repeatedly when trying to get into Idea lab from C-Suite. Just spent an hour today with staff on chat trying to get to the place to set up a new password, because Idea Lab did not like either my C-suite password, or my former Idea Lab password. Very trying!
Julie commented
Please make sure to vote and comment here as well: