Promoted Funds - End Date
It would be very helpful to have the option to put an end date on a fund promotion so that they would come off the promoted funds list on the donation page automatically. Many of our promoted funds are for memorial gifts. As a practice, we generally leave a fund on the promoted list for 1 month after the passing of the individual being remembered. Yes - we can make dated task reminders and calendar reminders but it would be great if the system would just do it.

8/2/2023: Funds: Updated UI to align with look and feel of profiles and campaigns. The fund record now has a header which contains the main fund information and is available on all tabs. In order to organize fund information and limit the left side menu options, the following tabs have been added: Details, Relationships, Settings, Fund Statements, Files & Notes.
On the Details tab, clients will see the main details of the fund such as: short name, creation date, fund groups, and the fund assets sections. We have also moved budget and loans, from the Options settings to Details card . Reports are still located on the Detail’s Tab, but have all been grouped under on left hand menu: Reports. Once Reports is selected a new page will appear and all of the Reports will appear in the left hand menu.
On the Relationship's Tab clients will find Scholarships, Beneficiaries, Fund Advisors, Fund Profiles, Linked Donors and the corresponding actions.
On the Setting's tab, clients will find the Fund Settings such as: Admin Fees, Distributions, Restrictions, and Approvers. Clients will also find that the Options Card has been replace with several different cards: Donation Portal, Fund Advisor Portal, Fund Statements. An additional card, Fund Template, has been added and will list all of the templates that are assigned to a fund. For promoted funds, an option to set the sort order is available in the left side menu when List Promoted has been selected. A new Promote Sort Order and Promote End Date has also been added in the options card within the Settings tab. Setting the sort order will list the funds in the assigned sort order by Fund Group.
In the Fund Statements tab, the Fund Statements are now listed from newest to oldest based on start date and grouped by year.
Permissions: No permissions impacted with this release.