Date and time created added to all financial reports
It would be nice to have the date and time you created a financial report to be printed on them. I may have printed two reports and needs to see which one was first.

12/4/2024:inancials: Updated the printing of Financials. This update will allow users to add headers and footer content to printed financial statements along with customizing report titles and columns. In Financials, users will find Content in the left-side menu. This will allow for financial_publish_header and financial_publish_footer. These content areas will be html compatible with the following merge fields: report date, title (this will pull the title from the Financials Settings), filter values, report timestamp, and report title. Settings is also a new left-side menu that will allow users to rename their reports. For example, Balance Sheet can be changed to Statement of Financial Position. When processing a financial report, users will see a new left-side menu option called Publish. Print will be a print option with the header and footer content areas added. Print will remove all lines on the report and it will print on a white background. Once Print is selected, the column sort, show, and title will appear. Users can use this to reorder columns and relabel the columns. The show will allow users to remove a column in the print. Once a user selects a report, the left-side menu will collapse all other reports into Reports to allow for easier option selections. Added the timestamp to the bottom right hand corner of the report in CommunitySuite and Print Page option.
When using Print, users will need to use the content area to add the titles to the report, dates, and filters to the report header.
Permission: Added permission for Settings. Will be released with Admin Permission only.
- Resources:
- Financials Content
- Financials Settings
- Financial Reports Overview
- Audit Report
- Balance Sheet Report
- Income Statement Report
- Balance Change Report
- Balance Trend Report
- Fund Balance Report
- Audit Balances Report
- Trial Balance Report
- Detail Trial Balance Report
- Statement of Functional Expenses Report
- Investment Report