Recurring Donations Report
It would be great if we could run a report for recurring donations which lists:
- Donors Name
- Start Date
- End Date
- Frequency
- Amount
Right now the only report you can run is for donations which came from recurring donations. This is a significant limitation as it means that our fundraising funds are unable to manage their own donor base.
There is a recurring donation report in custom reports that has all the fields available in this request.
Jennie Dawes commented
We have recurring gifts, mostly for a single project fund, but there's no simple way to export the recurring gifts, nor run a simple report. Someone indicated in this forum that there is a "recurring gift" field for running a custom report, but when I apply it, nothing. This should be a simple filter or export mechanism. For many organizations, monthly donors are the very best, the gild on the lily, so if you are going to allow donors to create recurring gifts, you need to make it work on the admin side so that organizations can maximize the data on those donors. It should be easy to access efficiently and easy to generate meaningful reports without having to be a data analyst or know how to write code.