90 results found
grant catalogue dates
We would like to have the start and ends dates for grant catalogue requests to be tied to the individual requests in our grants catalogue rather than tied to the entire catalogue. We recently had a request that needs to be removed from the catalogue prior to it's full funding due to a change in the entity that owns the project asking for funds. It seems like the only way to do that currently is to edit the requested amount so it looks like it is fully funded. Our grants catalogue functions on a rolling basis so every request is…
3 votes -
Charity Check Data should be updated daily
The charity check data (through Grant Connect) is only updated on a quarterly basis, which means that if a Charity looses their status, they won't fail the charity check until the next quarter. The data should be updated on a daily basis - not quarterly.
2 votesAt this time, Grant Connect receives a manual update from the CRA. It is not an API feed that can be updated daily.
Bulk delete grants...please!
We see that this request has been archived in the past. Please reconsider it. If we import a large batch of grants or use the "Create Spendable Grants" to create hundreds of grants at one time, there is no way to bulk delete those grants once created if we find there is either an error or something that needs to be run differently. Individually opening and deleting each grant is extremely time consuming. Bulk actions can be found in other areas throughout the site. Can bulk delete of grants be implemented?
2 votes -
Add Tribute option for Grant Requests
This idea has been posted before, with many votes. I'm adding it again. In the new fund advisor portal, please add the option to add a tribute to grant requests. Donors want this option and a donation note is easily missed.
4 votes -
Auto-input fund advisor contacts when sending documents that have been uploaded to a grant file (ie. grant report)
When uploading documents (ie. a report) to a grant file, there is now the option to 'email' the document, as well as sharing it with the donor in their fund portal.
The email option currently auto-fills the email address of the grantee organisation, however it would be ideal if the email template pulled the email addresses of the fund advisors of the grant for ease of sharing the report with the funder.
It would be great if the copy field were blank, or also pre-filled the fund advisor email contacts as options, as opposed to just the grantee contact.
1 vote -
Fund Advisors Field for Grants
When you set up fund advisors for the portal, they are usually linked to the individual advisor's profile, not the household. This makes setting the household as the advisor when entering grants difficult because it populates the profiles with portal access. We then have to manually update this on the next page to the household profile, and this sometimes causes confusion if the individual profile is selected.
It would be nice to set up a profile as a fund advisor without having it linked to portal access. Often, households want separate portal access but make their grants together and want…
2 votesThere is the following fund setting that populates a drop down box when a Fund Advisor requests a grant. This is would require the household to be an advisor - you do not need to give them fund access:
- Allow Additional Advisors - Allows fund advisors to make grant requests on behalf of other advisors.
- This does not need to be selected to have more than one fund advisor setup on a fund.
Suggestion for Multi-Fund Grant Distribution in C-Suite
To enhance our grant funding process, I recommend implementing a feature that allows us to batch multiple funds for a cycle of grants. This would enable us to:
Select Multiple Funds: When bringing over a cycle of grants, we should have the option to select multiple funds for distribution.
Automated Fund Distribution: C-Suite should automatically calculate and distribute the correct amounts from each selected fund to the respective grants. This would streamline the process and reduce manual errors in fund allocation.
By enabling these features, we can improve efficiency and ensure accurate funding across multiple grants, making the overall process…
1 voteDo you utilize the fund beneficiary field on the fund? After setting these up, you can create grants in bulk once spendable is posted. Here is the link to the help article: https://support.foundant.com/hc/en-us/articles/4405347700887-Create-and-Edit-Fund-Beneficiaries
Fiscal sponsor: Display on Grantee tab of profile
Please include fiscally sponsored grants on the Grantee tab of the sponsored organization - similar to advised gifts on the donor tab
3 votes -
Set Grant Letter When Creating Grant, not have to edit then set grant letter
When creating a grant, I need the option to set which grant letter I want during the creation of the grant instead of entering the information, then saving, then having to go back and edit the grant to set the grant letter. I usually end up forgetting to set the letter. My way would save a few steps in the process.
2 votes -
grant notification to grantees - have two default emails
Currently the grant notification to grantees includes one default email and the option to manually add a second email notice. Is it possible to allow us to have a second default email load rather than adding manually. We have a number of grantees who have two people they want to receive a notice and it is not conducive to have to always remember to add the second person.
19 votes -
grant catalog
We've had increased interest from the nonprofits that submit requests through the Grant Catalog to see the progress of their requested funding. Would be great if there was a way for the Nonprofit Grantee to track this during the Catalog cycle to know if they were getting partial or full funding prior to the close of the Catalog cycle (we process all the grants at one time at the end of the cycle). This would enable the nonprofit to plan accordingly if they are asking for an emergent need.
2 votes -
send csuite grant to GLM
Send CSuite grant to GLM for reporting purposes
2 votes -
Post/Approve Grants Steps
When posting/approving grants, if there are no more grants to be reviewed, why do we have to then click to return to the grant you just approved? This extra step will really make a difference in Q4 when we're posting several hundred grants.
1 vote -
Charity Check
Please allow limitless charity checks each day
2 votes -
Batch attach file to grant
It would be great if I could batch attach a file to grants, for example, a batch of 150 grants that all have the same backup doc.
19 votes -
On Hold Grants
It would be great to have the "On Hold" grants put into an On Hold or Deferred bucket - similar to the "Deferred" bucket in the scholarships section.
21 votes -
grant advisor
On grants related to the Grant Advisor field, the field prepopulates with an individual who has the Fund Advisor designation. It would be helpful for the field:
to default to blank or a Fund Founder instead and
contain the ability to list multiple people in the case of a fund with multiple founders.1 vote -
Grant Letters - Need Ability to Customize Process & Edit Letters
It would be helpful to 1. choose the grants for which you do not want grant letters automatically generated and 2. review/edit the letters before they are automatically uploaded to the grant record.
Not all grants utilize the grant letters feature. We need the ability to use the feature for some grants but not all of them. Also, some grant letters need to be customized or revised before they go to the grant record.
Currently, the "disable grant check documents" feature offers an all or nothing approach. Either we use templates for all of our grants and the letters are…
45 votes -
grant type guidestar
It would be great if it were possible for the "Grant Type" (we use NTEE codes) to auto-populate from Guidestar when doing the Guidestar Charity Check. Currently, staff has to manually look them up in our organization's separate Guidestar account for each grantee when processing an award.
46 votes -
Auto-populate all emails into Grant Email Award letters
When sending grant award letters via Email - please create a function to auto-populate the non-primary emails into the cc fields.
15 votes
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