Summary report for individual reviewers
Would like to ability to generate a report for each individual evaluator so that they have a summary of their scores, comments & recommended amounts, so that they can reference it during grant discussion meetings. Currently, there is no report builder field to check to called "Evaluator" or "Reviewer."

Sydney Morrone commented
Amy and Deirdre have brought up two very wonderful ideas that would be immensely helpful in monitoring evaluators and their progress. As a program that has over 250 evaluators who participate in a variety of ways, having a dashboard in which we can review what is outstanding, etc. would be massively beneficial.
Kira commented
We currently use the submission assignee field for a report as described. However, this field includes the name of the person who submitted the application. If the need to filter this out could be eliminated, it would be a great step towards streamlining our process. Thanks so much!
For Amy's example specifically - If you are just looking to glance at completeness and your Foundant license includes the custom columns feature, we have had some success with adding a custom 'evaluator' column to the dashboard.
Deirdre commented
I would love this too.
Also we had the ability to view the percentage completions of our students in Fluid Review which was helpful for some of our scholarships.
Amy Bonner commented
Hi Sammie, It would be super helpful to have some kind of evaluator dashboard visible to admins so that we can see at a glance who needs to be nudged. I currently do this via a report, but every time I use the report I have to update all the parameters. (Because I use that report for exporting evaluation data too, I always have to update process, and adjust aggregates, calculations, hide detail rows, etc. to just see at a glance who my stragglers are.)
Hailey Carmer LaMaster commented
I was thinking about this from the perspective of SLM, although the option in GLM would be great too. I'd like the ability to have a "quick click" option that would show me if that evaluator has completed their work. Right now, I proxy in as the evaluator so I can see their dashboard show me how many pending, draft, and complete. Maybe this information could be included on the page that shows me what applications have been assigned to a particular evaluator? Just a thought.
Sheila Steger commented
Hi Dierdre,
Yes, in the report builder under Choose Data Fields, click on the evaluation form and bring in any field from that form that you would like in the report. Not sure if this answers your question.....
Deirdre commented
Hi Sheila, I can get the evaluator - would this include their comments
If so, I shall go play with your suggestions.
Thank so very much -
Sheila Steger commented
We do this through the report builder. The field to check to get the Evaluator or Reviewer is in the Request Tab, then under Forms, click Submission Assignee. I know this isn't the most intuitive way to find the Evaluator, but I remember seeing this change in a Release Note a while back.
Hope this helps.
Deirdre commented
I, like the other users, create an excel spreadsheet with a lot of cutting and pasting etc. I think the reporting module should be able to capture this data also.
Erica Williams commented
For our evaluators reviewing over 100 applications this round along, this tool would have been very useful. Can we get a status update on this request?
Erin Baird commented
Yes please. Reviewers have asked for this. I end up creating one summary report in Excel of combined scores and comments to share at decision meeting.
Frances commented
Yes!! We have had to manually do this for years!!
Andrea commented
YES! Every time I struggle to create a report that makes sense for evaluators and it's very cumbersome and I often give up as it just is too complicated and takes too long. A template would be very welcome and help streamline that workflow at a time when we all feel stressed and crunched to get things ready for these evaluation meetings.
Michelle Parrish commented
This would be so helpful! I spend way too much time running a report, then having to filter and modify the feedback for each reviewer.