Restore the "Tax Receipt/Bulk Process 'Mark As Sent'" Action
The new donation bucket system does not seem to have an efficient and accurate way to mark tax receipts as sent. Instead of being able to click on "sent" for individual gifts, it looks like we have to click on those gifts that were sent and "mark as sent" as one of the options of the drop down menu that also includes "print" or "email" tax receipts. The problem I encountered was that I clicked on tax receipts that had been sent - but Csuite marked the ones that were NOT checked, and since we cannot reverse the 'Mark As Sent' action, we're left with printing individual gift letters after running a report and manually tracking the unreceipted gifts. The old system left a LITTLE less room for error (allowing "marked as sent" to be reversed would of course be the easiest).
This enhancement was released on 9/20/2023:
Donations: Enhanced Tax Receipt Bulk Actions to save the selected list of donations. This will allow clients to make a selection of the Tax Receipts and then process through Printing letters, Envelopes, Labels and Marking the donations sent. This update will also print the envelopes in the same order as the letters.