Grant Letters - Need Ability to Customize Process & Edit Letters
It would be helpful to 1. choose the grants for which you do not want grant letters automatically generated and 2. review/edit the letters before they are automatically uploaded to the grant record.
Not all grants utilize the grant letters feature. We need the ability to use the feature for some grants but not all of them. Also, some grant letters need to be customized or revised before they go to the grant record.
Currently, the "disable grant check documents" feature offers an all or nothing approach. Either we use templates for all of our grants and the letters are automatically uploaded without the ability to edit OR we turn off the template feature all together.

Anonymous commented
Current approach is all or nothing. We need to be able to select individual grants in a batch.
There is an option on the check batch itself to "Do not attach documents" This disables the grant letters for that batch. So you could just run your DAFS, or internal grants in a batch together and disable the attachments for that group of grants. Please feel free to reach out so support with further questions.
Jennifer Brambley commented
I wish I could add 10+ votes to this. We really need a way to customize our workflow better than what we have now. I disabled the grant check documents so I could get rid of the documents tab, but now I can't print grant letters at all. OR I don't have a way to actually find them. We can do better than this for the money we pay for this system.
Dawn Watson commented
We are also running into problems where we have competitive grants that are pushed from GLM. Due to availability of fields, we want to generate letters from GLM and not CSuite. We have a template in Csuite for Designated and DAF fund grants but because there is only one template, CSuite is generating this letter for all grants regardless of type, which we then have to through and manually delete from grant record, which is alot of extra unnecessary work. We could leave them on the grant record but that creates confusion on the record as to what was sent and what what was not sent.
Having the ability to turn off the need for a grant letter even if it was by fund in CSuite, would save us from unecessary work.
Andrea Clements commented
We are experiencing something similar. We want and need a grant letter for our Org/Agency, Designated and Donor Advised Fund grants, however we do not need a letter for our Unrestricted, Field of Interest or internal grants. Once we have one grant letter in the system it automatically creates a grant letter for all grant types, even those for which we do not need a grant letter. That is confusing because now there are grant letters attached to unrestricted grants that we haven't actually sent and we aren't using. We either need to manually delete those letters to avoid confusion or leave them there knowing they aren't accurate.
Britani Merritt commented
When processing an internal or external grant, there should be an option to turn off the grant letter template. Most of our external grants need letters pulled, however, about half of our internal grants (and an occasional external grant) do not need letters. With the update made on 1-18-23 we can turn it off but that would turn off all letters, right? We need an option to turn it off when it's not needed but keep it on when it is. Just like with the tax receipts. There's an option to turn off the tax-receipt. Why can't we have that option for grant letters as well? Otherwise, with the new template process, we have to go in and mark all those unnecessary letters sent whether we need them or not. Before the update we just wouldn't pull them. Now we have tons of pending documents sitting there unless we go in and mark each one sent one at a time. It's ridiculous.