ability to make grant documents shareable with fund advisors
I'm (finally!) loving the new process for generating grant documents (e.g., letters that we send with checks). Our Fund Advisors ask for copies of those letters to be uploaded via the portal so that they see exactly what the charity sees when the check arrives. (It also gives them comfort that we actually sent the check.) Currently, I scan each letter and attach it as a shareable PDF at the grant level. Now that the system automatically attaches the letter at the grant level, it would be great it I could simply mark that as shareable without having to upload a second file. Thanks for considering! -Randy
There is an option to share an attached a file to a grant. Attaching a file to a grant and then clicking Share will share the file with all fund advisors who have access to the Grants tab on the fund advisor portal and are advisors to the granting fund.
Beth Hopkins commented
We would like to have the ability to make the Grant Letter available for viewing/download on the Fund Advisor Portal. Currently, we have to download the grant letter and upload it again to the files section of the fund profile in order for it to show up on the client side of the linked fund advisor portal. It would be great to have this letter automatically available to the fund advisors, as we receive many requests for them.
Randy Macon commented
Hello! You marked my previous suggestion as implemented/closed, but it really isn't. https://idealab.foundant.com/forums/597718-communitysuite-idea-lab/suggestions/46279237-ability-to-make-grant-documents-shareable-with-fun#{toggle_previous_statuses}
When I go into a grant by clicking the Grant ID number, the Grant Documents section about half-way down the page gives me the option to download/print the Check letter in both PDF and Word formats. It does NOT give me the ability to share the document with the fund advisor by clicking Yes under the Share column because there is no share column. To make this work, I have to download a copy and then attach it as a separate file... then I can click Share. My suggestion is to add a Share option directly under the Grant Documents section to avoid having to duplicate the same file. See attached screen shot. Thanks for reconsidering.