voucher refund
It would be really helpful if there was a voucher refund feature, similar to a grant refund. Occasionally we have EFTs that bounce due to a data entry error, or incorrect account information provided by vendors. Currently, we have to record this as an invoice coded against the same expense account as the voucher, but this doesn't faithfully represent the nature of the transaction. An "invoice" shouldn't be issued in this situation, and it's less clear in reporting, whereas a voucher refund would make more sense.

7/3/2024:Vendors: Removed refund from the vendor record.
Vouchers: Added the ability to refund vouchers from the voucher record. Users will select a paid voucher and use the refund from left hand menu. Refund will allow for partial or full refund amounts, and more than one refund on a voucher. If the voucher has several accounts the refund will split by percentage into the separate accounts. . Upon creation of the refund voucher, the refunded amount will be marked as ready for deposit into the till.
Susan Lotreck commented
I vote for Landon Gilmour's suggestion posted here. We use multi-fund vouchers to pay quarterly distributions from custodial funds and it would be a great audit enhancement to have the ability to refund a returned distribution from one or two of the funds that are embedded in one voucher being paid from many funds.
Landon Gilmour commented
A quick update to this idea--I see that the voucher refund has been implemented (thank you!!). In it's current state, this tool only allows for one fund and expense account to be entered. This means that if we are receiving a refund for a multi-fund voucher, or a single-fund voucher involving multiple expense accounts, then we have to create a separate refund for each fund and/or expense account combination. If possible to enhance this tool to allow multi-fund and expense account refunds, that would be amazing. In the meantime the existing tool is a big improvement so thanks again for implementing that :)