Add Grant Card Fields to Reporting
At this time, no fields are available in custom reports. There is a wonderful report built into the grant card groups (just by hitting the export button), but there is no way to recreate this in custom reports for all grant cards together. Instead you have to manually click into each grant card group and export each group to it's own file. This is not a good solution. If the grant card fields can be exported into an excel file from the grant card group, can we please add these to custom reports so that we can actually make use of this data? Fields that are specifically needed would be Grant Card ID, Amount, Balance, Grant Card Group ID, and Grant Card Group Name.
9/3/2024:Grant Cards: Updated Grant Cards to a bucket system to show New, Posted, Open, Expired, Canceled, and Completed to help streamline workflows. From a Grant Card Groups, the Expire Date and Balance have been added to the table. On the Grant Card ID, added the Receipt Sent timestamp to the Grants table.
Donations: Added the ability to Create Grant Cards to the left hand menu on a donation record. This allow users to easily create Grant Cards from a donation.
Custom Reports: Added Grant Card report that will display: grant card balance, cancel amount, cancel date, created timestamps, grant card amount, expiration date, card id, card code, require pin, and if the card is open or expired.