List Carts Report
Create custom report option that includes unsubmitted grant carts, fund name, steward, grant details, and requested by, so stewards can receive automated report emails prompting them to follow up with donors who have unsubmitted carts.
And in the interim, please add Fund Steward to the exiting Fund Advisor > "List Carts" area so we can swiftly divvy these up for follow up.
Thank you! - TCF

Eyerusalem Gehringer commented
This would be incredibly helpful. The list carts page is incredibly limited and at the very least adding the fund steward and the profile steward would help. But adding a custom report would allow us to leverage the report emails and the powerbi API to improve our internal dashboards. Because the cart confirmation is something that gets missed by many people the cart gets overwhelmingly large unless we monitor it daily, which is still a large administrative lift. By adding a custom report and adding the ability to see more fields we will be able to manage this cart.