Option to print Grant letters from Grant Record rather than Check record
Please consider allowing users to print the Grant letters from the Grant Record rather than the Check Record. In Permissions, anyone who can see grant checks can see all checks, including payroll checks.
Perhaps you could add an option from the grant payment schedule line to reprint the grant letter. It could be placed between checkid and checkdate.

Templates for Grant & Scholarship Letters: Moved the processing of Grant & Scholarship letters from the check area. This will allow program staff the ability to create grant and scholarship letters separate from the creation of checks. There is now a documents bucket in grants and scholarships. Letters will still be grouped by check batch so that clients can easily print or email letters in bulk. If the check batch is unposted, it will remove the batch from the documents bucket. If clients, recreate a check both letters will attach to the grant/scholarship. When emailing grant/scholarship letters, the email address will pull from the primary email on the profile. The grant and scholarship letters will now attach to the grant or scholarship record once produced.
Katherine Souza commented
I would also find it incredibly helpful to be able to access and send a grant letter from the grant request. We don't move our grants from the 'NEW' to the 'APPROVAL' bucket until we receive a signed award letter that we attach to the request. Thanks for posting the request! Katy