Link one note to multiple profiles or funds
Often times, we have to copy the same note to multiple profiles or funds because either there were multiple contact people for one fund or there was one contact person for multiple funds. Right now the only way to show up in multiple places is to copy the note.
Jesika Ellis commented
Seems to me this could easily be accomplished by adding area/module checkbox options to all notes, similar to the ones we are offered when creating an Alert from a note....
Kiera Ausenhus commented
By entering a Note/Task on a profile and linking it to another profile, that would allow us to enter one note rather than the same text to multiple profiles.
Sara Cryan commented
Addition to my original suggestion is to be able to see the name of the profile(s) that is connected to that note instead of the profile reference number. It would be extremely helpful to see the actually organization, household or individual name on that profile exactly how it is when you link profiles to funds and fund advisors. It would also be consistent since when you are on a profile page, you can clearly see if that note is linked to the fund because it has the fund link with its name right in the note.
J Holmes commented
I support this suggestion.