It would be great if we could track donations and ticket purchases in Google Analytics.
Released 8/9/2023:
Donations: Enhanced the Donation Portal to easily link clients sites to Google Analytics using Measurement ID and Measurement Protocol API Secrets. In Donations Settings, there is now an option to add Google Measurement ID and Google Measurement Protocol API Secrets. Users do not have to use both fields but will need to use the Google Measurement Protocol API Secrets to populate the amounts fields for donation records on Google Analytics. Setting the Google Measurement Protocol API Secrets field will allow a site receive analytics through the Donation Settings area instead of embedding it in the HTML in Website Styles area of CommunitySuite. Clients should remove these from the HTML tags prior to configuring the new values. When syncing sites to the sandbox environments, values will be cleared in these two fields. Google Analytics can take up to 24 hours for reporting. Users will need to signup with Google Analytics to create Google Analytics using Measurement ID and Measurement Protocol API Secrets.
Hank commented
As this is now planned, can you give us any insight into what you are planning?