Adding a "pay" option to an email profile
In organization profiles, when we grant monies using email notifications, the email listed is the primary POC who may not be the financial person. Since we can add multiple emails to the org profile, is it possible to add an option that has "pay" so that we can check that box for the financial representative and all payment/grant notifications go to that person instead? Similar to the address options.
- Jan Monthly release: There is now a single check work flow, reducing clicks for clients. With this workflow the checking account, check type, date, and memo line are all one page. This enhancement has reduced the number of steps needed process checks in batch. From accounts payable, select create checks from the left side menu. That will open a table for a User to select the bank account and payment type before filtering the check batch. This will filter the list to just that payment type set on the profile. If there isn’t a payment type on the profile, that vendor will process the payment as a check. From this screen, clients now have the ability to name their batches for easy reference. Memo lines have moved into the voucher, grant, scholarship workflow. We have also added grant and scholarship voucher filters to the accounts payable filters. This will still allow clients the ability to filter their check list by the type of voucher they are wanting to pay. In addition we added the ability to filter by the funds checking account by using the Account_id filter. The checks buckets have now been reduced to three buckets only, voided/unused, new, posted. Viewing batches can still be done by selecting list batches from the left hand menu. Check Approval has been updated with a multi-select for approvers. Grant and scholarship letters will no longer be in the check batch area but in the grants and scholarships area within the documents bucket. These letters will appear automatically once the checks have been posted. ACH email notifications will also be sent when checks are posted. ACH content areas have been added for electronic payments that have been posted, unposted, or voided. The email will send automatically when one of these actions occur. There is a new radio button for emails called pay. The email with this checked will receive the ACH payment notification with the check detail attached. If there is not a pay email checked, the email will send to the primary email.
Jenny Molyneaux commented
When this "pay" button is added to the email section, please make this available in custom reports too. And add the "Pay" address field to custom reports too. Currently, there isn't any way to get a list of profiles that utilize this "pay" address or in the future, the email. Custom reports for profiles, vouchers, checks, etc... will need these fields.