donation notify email
Currently there are 5 available fields for this email to fund advisors as far as I can tell. When they go out, the donor name is last name, first name and it looks odd to me. Is there any way to have that changed to donor's full name
Text for the automatic email a fund advisor receives when a donation is posted to a fund they advise, when Donation Notify is enabled in the fund advisor record.
Default site custom content: This is a notification that DonationID {{donationid}} was received for {{fundname}}
Donor: {{donorname}}
Amount: {{amount}}
Description: {{description}}
The following was released on 3/4/2024:
Fund Advisor: Updated the content merge fields for the following Fund Advisor emails. Advisor_Login_Email: Salutation, First Name, Last Name Mailing Label; Advisor_request_confirm_email_body: Fund Name and Grant ID.
Donation: Updated the content merge fields for the following donation email. Donation Notify: Primary address, email, phone, donation date, Salutation, First Name, Last Name, Mailing Label
Funds: Updated the content merge fields for the following funds emails. Fund Statement Email Body and Fund Statement Review Email Body: fund name.
No permission changes with this release.