Fund statements: Need school name in Grantee section
Please provide the option to list the school's name in the grantee detail section of a scholarship fund statement. This field is currently blank or will list the student's full name since the student is considered the grantee according to C Suite even though the payment was sent to the school. This is confusing for donors. This update would also protect the privacy of the student by including the school's name, and not the student's full name. We are not interested in the post by payment option as that feature can cause issues with financial integrity.

After review by our engineering team, we are moving this back to proposed. The school name populates if using Post by Payment. The reason it does not without that option is that the scholarship populates the fund statement on the post date, and the school is assigned on the payment lines, which could be later than the post date.
Frannie Powers commented
I'm so disappointed to hear that this is moving back to proposed. Please reconsider.
Beverly Grazulewicz commented
Is this still under consideration? I agree with the comments.
Lance Eskelund commented
Please add this field and make it available on reports. Many foundations with whom I work would be very grateful.
Frannie Powers commented
Please do this....I've been wasting hours trying to create Custom Fields that will populate in a Fund Statement.
Susan Lotreck commented
This is critical! It looks poorly upon us that we can't provide a fund statement with the school name in the grant detail. The vendor is the School so why does that name not populate? I was really hoping this issue would be resolved before this scholarships are awarded. Thank!
Lisa Houck commented
Is this still under consideration? Or is it back to proposed idea? Would love for this to be an option while running fund statements.
Ann Siciliano commented
We are so glad this is under consideration! Our donors have been asking for this information on their fund statements!
Ai-Hsien "Allie" Carreon commented
I agree with Lindsay Sneed - it's important to have the option to report on both Student Name and the school.
Jacob Schreiber commented
This will better define which university is the actual grantee, not the student.
Susan Lotreck commented
Thrilled to see this moves to status of "under consideration". I hope this can be implemented by the time we need to run 12/31/2023 statements
Betsy Covington commented
Huge improvement!
Susan Lotreck commented
Is this an enhancement that can be implemented in the next release?
Revlan Hill commented
This is something that is really needed. Thanks to everyone who votes for this change.
Lance Eskelund commented
Many foundations send scholarship checks directly to the institutions. Fund holders would like to see the names of those schools on their fund statements for any number of reasons, not the least of which is to show how they are supporting higher education, including their alma mater.
Jane Litz commented
Excellent idea - please incorporate!
Lindsay Sneed commented
It's a good idea to be able to report the student and the school, please.
Susan Lotreck commented
This is absolutely critical. I was not aware that this was an issue. We are in the process of printing all designated fund statements in the next two weeks so I am glad to know to know about this so those statements can be adjusted.
Linda Walter commented
This will help with student's privacy, financial integrity and our donor's ability to understand the fund statements. Very critical!
Tiffany Peterson commented
At the least, if possible, include the school/grantee merge fields to the templates so we can integrate the school instead of or in addition to the student name.