Rename Unsubmitted Grant Requests to Grant Cart
Rename Unsubmitted Grant Requests to Grant Cart ... people are used to having a cart. Right now we have to check the "list cart" to make sure donors aren't leaving intended grants in their cart. Also, any thoughts to send emails to donors if they have an unsubmitted grant in their cart to remind them? Like you receive if you left something in your shopping cart?
8/7/2024: Please see the Support articles about the updates to the Portal, including fund advisor fund management:
Bryant Phillips commented
Agree with other comments here regarding a popup to alert fund advisors and/or an email alert notification to advisors. It's currently a manual task for us also to check unsubmitted grants weekly and reach out to advisors on whether they wanted to submit a grant. They often think it was already submitted.
Johnna Martinez commented
Also agree that an email to fund advisors who left an unsubmitted grant request in the cart would be very helpful!
Angela Farnquist commented
We are also manually monitoring the "carts" each week and sending personal emails to fundholders letting them know they need to review and submit. I like the cart feature as it allows advisors to submit more than one grant at a time, but some kind of reminder before they log out certainly would be helpful.
Susan Lotreck commented
Great idea to change the label. Also would love the idea for a pop-up alert when they log-out of their portal or/and an auto-email notification be sent to advisor, to let them know they have items in their grant cart. Having to make the calls and remember to check the list carts in Fund Advisor menu is manual.
Sally Hermann commented
Yes, an email to fund advisors who left an unsubmitted request in the cart would be very helpful!
Robertson Adams commented
Great idea
Elizabeth Messerli commented
The email notification would be super helpful! Perhaps if it's left in the cart longer than 24 hours, they get a little reminder; or if they click "log out", a pop-up would alert them. Currently reaching out to our fund holders to check if they wanted to submit a grant in their cart is a manual task that our staff does each week as part of our grant process.