Option to not show donation amount in graphs on donor advisor portal
The graphs on the fund advisor portal are great....except that we do not share donation amounts with the fund advisor. If you hold your cursor over the graph for donations, it shows the amount. Could we have the option to turn this off? Or have more options about what we could have on each portal? It might be nice for some just to have their grant history. The graphs are very impressive & we think our advisors will appreciate the visual.
Released 5/30/2024:
Funds: Enhanced the Hide Amounts on Funds for all donations. On Fund Statements, if the Hide Amounts is enabled, the fund statement will no longer display individual donations in the foreach donation section. The total donation amount can still be displayed in the receipts section, if it is used on the fund statement template. Hide Amounts on a fund will remove the Top 10 Contributors graph from the Fund Advisor Portal, if the Show History On Portal is enabled for the fund. Contributions by year line graph will still display. Users may want to remove the donation(contributions) tab permission from the fund advisor portal.
Jennie Dawes commented
Choosing to hide amounts from fund advisors at the fund level should override whatever is set in the 'Show History on Portal' function. If a fund advisor can hover over the name of a "top ten" donor, the amount is revealed. This means we can't provide access to this history feature for fund advisors unless there is a way to conceal the amounts - both in the pie chart and when hovering over the name.