New Portal: Separate "Login As/Manage Login Info" Permissions for internal and external users
The new portal in the Sandbox has merged security permissions for C Suite user account access and fund access. In the new portal there is only one permission setting in Profiles that is all or nothing for all users - both internal staff and external users with Portal access. We need our Donor Relations staff to be able to manage the external users logins and login as external users but it is a significant security issue to allow those staff members to login as other staff users who may have access to financial information etc that our Donor Relations staff shouldn't have. Please separate out the permissions to "Manage Login Info/Login As" between staff users and external users. In the current set up those permissions separate and need to remain separate permission levels in the new Portal.
8/7/2024: Please see the Support articles about the updates to the Portal, including fund advisor fund management: