Fund Advisor Portal: Vender Payments/Vouchers
Vender Payments/Vouchers
From the portal it would be great if fund holders could submit a vendor payment/voucher requests similiar to what they do now for a Grant Request Name, Address, Amount and where they could upload back up documents, etc.
8/7/2024: Please see the Support articles about the updates to the Portal, including fund advisor fund management:
Hollie Short commented
Need the ability for fund advisors to submit a payment request through the donor portal. This would be used for a reimbursement, a request to pay an expense, etc.
This is a show stopper for this organization.
Logan Todd commented
This would be incredibly helpful and save our staff a lot of time
Sally Hermann commented
We would like the capability for our affiliate board members/ fiscal sponsors to be able to submit expenses via the Donor Advisor Portal.
Stacey Muller commented
Have a link in the donor portal for funds to request a disbursement and still upload an invoice. Items such as fundraising invoices or program expense invoices. Just like the grant request link but for items that are not grants.