Fix donation page view on mobile phone
When viewing a fund on the donor portal on a mobile phone, the text is posted to the far right of the image, making the page look clunky and creating a large space between funds. Instead of paying an outside web designer to fix this, this should be fixed internally at Foundant.
6/20/2024: Donation Portal: Added mobile responsiveness to the Donation Portal for users with the new Donation Portal settings enabled.
Amy Ponson commented
The online portal for all giving pages looks horrible on mobile setting. This needs to be fixed on the Foundant end as a mobile setting. donors are all using mobile devices, text to give etc. if we want to drive donors to online pages mobile settings are CRITICAL
Amy Jordan commented
The new donation portal webpage is not formatted for responsive/mobile. It is difficult for donors to use and disappointing that is part of our CF's webpage branding. Disappointing. This should be fixed internally at Foundant.