Donor portal: Add a required check box when submitting a grant to confirm Grant Eligibility
It would be helpful to have donors acknowledge and confirm with a required checkbox before submitting a grant to confirm that the grant they are submitting is not to be used for Non-Eligible Grantees.
Meaning grants cannot be made for memberships, fulfillment of legally binding pledges, tickets to events, or anything else that provides benefits to the fund holder.
We have several donors that submit grant requests where this is unclear and we have to call and confirm. This checkbox would allow them to acknowledge and call us if any questions about the grant's intention come up.
8/7/2024: Please see the Support articles about the updates to the Portal, including fund advisor fund management:
Meredith Nassif commented
A donor has requested that we have a check box, since they had this at another Foundation. It would make it easy and simple for the donor to agree to the terms before submitting a grant request and save our team a lot of time. Thank you!
dawn commented
This was just recommended to us by a fund advisor, and he commented that he is used to this on his donor portal at another CF and wondered why we do not have it.
Sally Hermann commented
It would be wonderful to have a checkbox that fund advisors must click on when recommending a grant, so they are verifying that no goods and services would be received when recommending a grant. We do have verbiage saying that by submitting this grant recommendation you agree to the terms, but I think a checkbox would be more noticeable.
Jesika Ellis commented
We added this language in the same place as Helen - in System Data>Content>grant_request_submit_footer
This shows up as a text block above the Submit Request button.
Helen Wolfe commented
We added the legal language in System Data / Content / grant_request_submit_footer so that they read it before selecting the button to 'Submit'
Heather Hoy commented
We would like to see a radio button/check box added in the Donor Portal prior to a donor being permitted to submit each grant recommendation with IRS compliance language. As with other system data content, this language could be editable, but with the general idea of, “I acknowledge that this grant suggestion must meet the approval of the board of directors of {Foundation}. I also understand that this suggested grant does not represent the payment of any pledge or other financial obligation of mine or any member of my family, and that neither I nor any member of my family expects any personal benefit from the grant.
To keep the IRS happy, in relation to this grant, I agree that every penny of this grant will be used for a charitable purpose, and neither I nor anyone I know will receive anything more than a coffee mug or any other incidental benefit in return.”
This would be helpful with auditing and compliance for grant recommendations from fund advisors.