Campaigns Without Tickets for Online Donations
Event Campaigns should be able to be created without needing to sell tickets. This would streamline online donations targeted for a specific purpose or campaign. The campaign could then have a specific URL and QR code created, like campaigns already do, but without needing donors to purchase a ticket, it could take them right to a donation page that is tied to the fund attached to that campaign. This would create more efficiency around event campaigns, continue the trend of online donations becoming more popular and accessible at events, and reduce the additional time it takes to manually attach donations to specific giving campaigns. The example for this idea is our annual year-end mailing to affiliate partners; the mailer could have the QR code on the flier, and rather than send in a check and manually add it to the campaign, they could just scan it and donate to the fund directly associated with the fund/campaign designation.

Julia Wood commented
Sophie McNeil Wolf commented
I agree wholeheartedly. We switched from using Network for Good to Foundant and it is sorely lacking in look and in functionality. In some ways, our move to Foundant (while being more integrated as a system) is a step back in the eyes of our fund holders.
We use campaigns to create sponsorship levels for certain fundholders. Campaigns is our work around, but it is clunky in its current form.
Michelle Schneider commented
We also have some Fiscal Sponsors who need to track donations to specific campaigns. This would be very useful for that purpose.
Lori Kaufman commented
Expanded functionality for other types of campaigns - direct mail, capital campaign, etc - is needed. Would love to have a giving page specifically tied to a campaign without tickets - it could be language that supports the direct mail piece a donor received. In addition, we need to be able to pull reports on response rate, average gift size, etc. for campaigns like direct mail. Right now it seems like it's all about events and not any other type of "campaign."