Enable Two-Factor Authentication via Text Message
Create text message two-factor authentication option for donors. (Many are not savvy enough to figure out Authenticator.)

8/7/2024: Please see the Support articles about the updates to the Portal, including fund advisor fund management: https://support.foundant.com/hc/en-us/articles/21412855474199-Portal
Jennifer Windram commented
I'm not sure if anyone has seen this in Sandbox, but it could use some tweaking. On mine, log in is now all the way over to the right side, leaving a huge blank left side. It is also confusing because there is a PIN box, but right under it is a line to "Send PIN to" with my email address. So, it looks like the user HAS to choose the email option. Can we change the wording to make it more clear that it is an alternate option? Or that the user should enter the PIN from the authenticator or choose another authentication method? Screenshot of current view in Sandbox attached.
Daniel Fairley commented
Same for us! We need this to change to a text message option. We started telling people to download the desktop authenticator app because it was easier than finding your physical phone every time.
Andi Senatro commented
This has been an ongoing issue for us since we transitioned to Foundant almost a year ago. Our Cyber Security insurance requires that we have MFA on all our portals, but our constituents have had a terrible time with this. I agree with the previous comment that this would also be beneficial for staff, as well as for grantees on the GLM Portal.
Julie commented
this would be great for staff users too, not just donors
Jesika Ellis commented
Agreed - we do not want to compel staff to download and use an app for 2FA. Verification code-by-text would be ideal!!
Julie commented
Yes please!
David Izraelevitz commented
Most of our users do not have an authenticator app installed, but are familiar with text-based 2FA. Can you please add that option? We would like to upgrade our cybersecurity policies, but it's not practical otherwise. Thanks.
Maria O'Connor commented
Please allow for another option for MFA
Again this morning I was unable to login because I left my phone with authenticator at home.
MS Office allows for an alternate way to MFA, send code via alternate verified phone number.