Question Fields: Ability to make Charts/Tables/Grids
It would be a great tool to have in the application, review and reporting stages to have the ability to create tables for grantees to fill out (text fields, not necessarily complex budget tables (But Budget tables would also be appreciated ;) )
Although I understand the background work to make this happen is difficult, I think it would be a very strong and well used feature.
Hi All
This is was implemented in October 2022 Release. To learn morn you can search out support hub or reach out to
Meghan commented
Hi Sammie!
I understand that text questions currently have a 100 character limit. For those cells, it would be great if text wrapping was possible -
Amie Anderson commented
We would initially only use it during the review process and not for reporting. It would be a way to capture budgets on the application without the attachment and to avoid asking the applicant to enter the information in multiple places. As long as it shows up clearly on the print packet, that could be useful. It would be helpful to be able to subtotal sections but I realize the first iteration will be quite simple. My question, if we have to have a static number of rows/columns, can we (administrators) just allow more than applicants would need without potentially ending up with a lot of blank cells on the print packet? Another use might be to pull the question into documents prepared for board materials, but we would need to be able to edit and format it on the word document.
Halle Leganza commented
We would love to capture an "organizational snapshot" in the application instead of in an attached spreadsheet template as we do now. It includes 5 years of high-level organizational health data over time such as revenues, expenses, number of staff, and percent of staff retained. We'd love to be able to pull out the content of the cells individually to use in the reporting feature. This would not include any kind of auto-add or totaling within the table, but it would be visually much easier for the applicant to enter information like this into a fillable table than it would be for them to enter it through scrolling down on a form. The latter just looks awkward. Thank you!!!
Amy Nossaman commented
Ditto Jina,
We area also trying to collect demographic data and would prefer it to be within the application versus an attached spreadsheet. I have given output a little thought as well. On the individual applications it would just be for evaluation/informational purposes. In reporting, most likely I would like a summarized table/cross tab type report that I could format as a number and possibly % of total. -
Jina Freiberg commented
Hi there. I've been monitoring this idea for a bit, and wondering if there were any updates to a table/grid option. I am mostly inquiring about this feature as we are trying to collect demographic data (race & ethnicity) for different categories (board, senior leadership, population served). Is there an update when this might be considered?
Lisa Stachula commented
Sammie - As a former client, we would use tables the same way Gina Kelly mentioned - to report on demographic data of both applying organizations and awarded organizations.
Amy Nossaman commented
Do you ready for a beta tester for the table/grid functionality yet? I am building a new process in my Sandbox and would love to insert a basic table
~Amy -
Paula Bellemore commented
One way in which we would use this is to keep track of resource attributes - for example - of 100 acres to be conserved, how many are wetlands, how many are forest etc. The sum feature wouldn't be needed in this example because one particular acre might fall into two different attribute categories.
Liz McClure commented
I'm seeing a lot of comments about NPO budgets in grant applications and I think that's a fantastic use that our grants manager would also utilize. As a scholarship manager I would love to use a table for students to enter their extracurricular activities, with school year and activity as the rows and columns. This is something our evaluators are always clamoring for as it's hard to keep it straight in their heads as they're scrolling through 20+ questions about different activities students may or may not have participated in.
Christopher Spencer commented
Where do I find my rubric or evaluation forms in the system?
Deanna Poelsma commented
Hi Sammie!
We would like to use the tables/charts for applicants to enter itemized project budgets that auto total at the bottom. We continually struggle with applicants entering budgets that don't add up and/or are not in the requested format and are difficult to read.
We used to have folks upload excel documents but we need to be able to run reports that pull the total project income and expenses which isn't possible with uploaded documents and trying to string together 300+ individual documents into a single column in a workbook was too cumbersome.
Looking forward to continued updates on this feature!-Deanna Poelsma
Indiana Arts Commission -
[Deleted User] commented
Thanks for the update Sammie! We would most immediately use this feature for demographic information (number and percentage of Board, Staff, Clients who identify as POC). But I also think that we would use the feature in the future for budgets and to dig further into target populations (projected number served broken down by geography or sub-population).
I would hope that the data would be able to be pulled out of the solution in individual columns that we could then manipulate as needed. For some fields, I may care about the raw number (is operating budget above/below a certain number), for others I may care about the percentage between two given numbers (% of BOD who identify as POC), and for others I may care about the difference between two numbers (projected budget vs. actual budget).
Thanks for working on this!
Suzy commented
Hi Sammie, for our applications this year, we added questions to find out more about organization's board & staff demographics (race/gender). We had to create indivdual questions and the organizations provide us with a # for each question. We created a merge template to create a chart of the data we collected to create an application packet for evaulators to review. On the reporting end, I use a pivot table and combine the data to create graphics.
We are also starting to require organizations to provide us with reports on their progress after grant funds are disbursed. It would be interesting to see how we could utilize this.
Sarah Winig commented
Like others, we are looking to move the budget that we ask applicants to fill out in a separate Excel file into the application itself. So, the ability to specify the number of columns and ideally the ability to do simple calculations, such as sum line items (quantity x price) and a sum of the whole table. The number of rows should expand based on how many items an applicant needs to enter. Reporting would be nice, particularly for the table totals.
Gloria Dillard commented
I emailed you the spreadsheets that I currently have my applicants complete and upload. It would be nice to create the same spreadsheet within the applications so that the applicant can input the necessary information. I would also like for the spreadsheet (table) to calculate and for me to input mandatory not to exceed calculations. What I mean by this is, for us, the applicant cannot charge more than 10% of their salary towards the grant. I would like to max this field to calculate 10% of the salary, thus, the applicant would not be able to charge more. This is just based on a few rows, thus; is why I would like to be able to have this option by fields. I also agree that it would be nice to be able to create reports based on the table field.As with the other comments, as this project progresses, I'm quite sure that I'll have more input.
Amy Nossaman commented
Hi Sammie,
I currently use or would use a table/grid in 2 ways. I would like to build it into a form for a budget in the LOI or application phase and then a final budget in the reporting phase. The other way I would use a table is when a create a multi-year or multi-installment grant agreement to show the date of each installment, the amount of the installment, any reporting requirements w/due dates. I am able to pull the multiple installments but almost always have to manually format it. I have attached the 2nd page of a current multiyear grant. Thank you! -
Amanda commented
Hi Sammie, This is very exciting that you are looking to develop it. I would gladly support and engage in conversations over the next month.
You will more than likely get a varied response from the ways different users would use tables, but from my perspective it would be for two main reasons:
1. Efficient Applicant, Evaluator and Admin: If we had fillable grids, it would make questions simply easier to get answered. Right now we have applicants have to download additional Excel Templates, fill them out and then re-upload them (All not report-able or available for data pulling)
Easily access the data visually on the application through a grid so that the applicant can fill it out easily, the evaluator can review it easily within the application and the administrator doesn't have to download, upload, open extra documents to check.
(Right now it appears as either the option to have a download this Excel form and then upload it filled out OR ask about 10,000 additional questions to get the same answers that would be in a table)
2. Ease of data reporting - if there were grids/tables, I would hope them to auto-sum/auto-calculate based on the organizations needs based on the column and row. Bonus would be if they can auto calculate a separate section for match ratio based on parameters such as what the ask is versus type of match funding provided (Cash, IN-kind, federal etc..)
I'm sure I'll have more along the way, but I'm happy to sidebar or participate on any think-tank type groups if needed.
Karli Moore commented
It would be best in my work if the table could translate cell for cell to an Excel file. I want to be able to add by rows and columns.
Isabel Eljaiek commented
This is the biggest hurdle we face in asking for data on our applications. To get demographic %s for multiple groups within groups is confusing for applicants and a nightmare to pull out into a report.
Anonymous commented
Great need for these as well as learning/sharing sessions on data management and using data to make decisions.