Household Donations on Donor Portal
Is it possible to show the donations of linked households on the donor portal? Our Foundation processes donations from the household, however users login under their individual profile. It would be great if donors could see donations from their household as well as their individual profile.

Martha Bullock commented
I agree! We won't be turning on the Donor portal right away until we think this one through. If roll-up by household is an option, that would be great! Thank you for considering.
Sophie McNeil Wolf commented
We have several people that will be confused with the new portal switchover due to giving via household, as an individual and as a fund advisor for a fund. That may mean there are three profiles associated with an email address. It would make sense for the end user to see these combined.
Eyerusalem Gehringer commented
This would be a huge value add and is how we would prefer to see household donations. Switching profiles from the individuals to the household is a lot of clicks and requires us to do a lot of customer support and explaining. If a donor could see all the donations from the household as well as their individual profile would be fantastic.
Another way for the portal - is if fund advisors can see all the donations for the fund. Right now they can see the donation ID and details - but not the tax receipt. So seeing both the donation and the tax receipt.
Heather Fortin commented
Yes, please!
Laurel Shulman commented
This would be wildly helpful; a huge value add for us and our fundholders.