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Allow bulk updates via data imports (csv with unique IDs)
Allow bulk updates via imports on profile, grants, voucher, and fund tables. This already exist for custom fields but not all fields.
15 votes -
Add Rich Text Editor for Fund Detail Summary
Having the Fund Detail Summary is a great addition for the Giving Hub. But what would make it even better if there was a WYSIWYG for that field to easily add links and photos. Having to use HTML coding makes it extremely cumbersome and there are already WYSIWYGs in other CSuite fields.
3 votes -
Make Designations and Unmake
We can easily designation someone using the [MAKE] selection under Designations in fcsuite. I can [MAKE] them as Fund Advisor, Grantee, etc.
(1) Once they are in a category, there should be an 'unmake' button so I can easily change it back. Instead, I need to click on their role as a Grantee, and hunt out the 'delete' button way over on the left menu. It's confusing the way it is, but at least it work. When I click on Delete, it usually brings me back to the user profile. Yay.(2) Unless it's a nonprofit. When I click Delete in the left menu, it brings me back to the list of nonprofits. This feels wrong and feels like it needs to be fixed.
We can easily designation someone using the [MAKE] selection under Designations in fcsuite. I can [MAKE] them as Fund Advisor, Grantee, etc.
(1) Once they are in a category, there should be an 'unmake' button so I can easily change it back. Instead, I need to click on their role as a Grantee, and hunt out the 'delete' button way over on the left menu. It's confusing the way it is, but at least it work. When I click on Delete, it usually brings me back to the user profile. Yay.(2) Unless it's a nonprofit. When I click Delete…
2 votes -
nonprofits upload their own image
Our nonprofits need the ability to upload their own images in the EDIT INFORMATION portal screen. Right now they can edit/upload their Description, but not an image.
2 votes -
Donation Comment in export
Fund Advisors are requesting that the Donation Comment section for online donations be included on the Export spreadsheet.
2 votes -
Donor Portal App
We would like the ability to have a donor portal app, with our Foundation's branding, that users could access from mobile devices.
4 votes -
Apply to Spendable for Scholarship Refunds, particularly Post by Payment
From recent experience, if you receive a refund for a scholarship endowment that was marked post by payment, there is not a way to Apply it to Spendable when entering the refund on the scholarship record (which is where knowledgebase recommends you enter it). You have to either do a manual distribution or a journal entry to have the amounts go back towards the spendable balance.
Having a checkbox like you do for grant refunds to "apply to spendable" when entering the refund would be MUCH easier than having to take these additional steps to correct the spendable balance.
3 votes -
Custom Additional Fields for Tickets in Event Campaigns
As a small community foundation, we have a fund holder who has the local artistic community creating about two dozen posters to promote freedom of expression. They'll be "sold" (given as premiums) for a donation to a C-Suite campaign. Each poster design is offered as one ticket.
We are running into the limitations of the C-Suite Ticket object here. We need each ticket to be able to add CUSTOM ADDITIONAL FIELDS similar to the way the Note field works at present. We would want Shipping Address for fulfillment on each item.
I know there are some order options that we can use for this purpose - since you will soon be able to indicate a "vegetarian/non-veg" or "adult/child" option on each ticket, we might use this for "Framed/Unframed" as an option.
We'd imagine that ALL those data points might be available to the template for the donor receipt. Also we'd like multiple orders of the same item (4 copies of the same poster) to appear on the receipt as such, rather than generating four unique PDFs (the current behavior for multi tickets).
Lastly, I'd like the Fund Holder to be able to login to the Portal and trigger some kind of report on the granular tickets with detail, that contributed to their fund. At present the whole order is rolled up into a single donation amount.
I know this might not be ready till NEXT Thanksgiving, but I"m putting it out there now so that others who could use it might chime in.
premiums #tickets #custom #fields #templates
As a small community foundation, we have a fund holder who has the local artistic community creating about two dozen posters to promote freedom of expression. They'll be "sold" (given as premiums) for a donation to a C-Suite campaign. Each poster design is offered as one ticket.
We are running into the limitations of the C-Suite Ticket object here. We need each ticket to be able to add CUSTOM ADDITIONAL FIELDS similar to the way the Note field works at present. We would want Shipping Address for fulfillment on each item.
I know there are some order options that we…
31 votes -
Scholarship Letter Templates - Sort by Student Name!
We have had several universities complain that the scholarship letter template is messy and that it would be easier if it was organized by student name. After poking around and speaking with a support specialist, it seems this is not possible.
I have attached a copy of our current scholarship letter with fake names to give an idea of how Csuite currently arranges the order of students, which is by individual grant. I've also attached an alphabetized version of the same list of "students" to show a better flow.
You will see on the current version of the template, if a student has multiple scholarships they can be listed on separate pages which may lead to a university overlooking part of their funding. On the alphabetized version, this is no longer an issue, making it much more streamlined for bursars to see exactly how much each student is receiving and from how many scholarships.
I would like a "sort by each student" or "{{#foreach student}}" option within the template fields. Currently, the only option is "for each grant".
We have had several universities complain that the scholarship letter template is messy and that it would be easier if it was organized by student name. After poking around and speaking with a support specialist, it seems this is not possible.
I have attached a copy of our current scholarship letter with fake names to give an idea of how Csuite currently arranges the order of students, which is by individual grant. I've also attached an alphabetized version of the same list of "students" to show a better flow.
You will see on the current version of the template, if…
3 votes -
Scholarship Payment Report
The default scholarship payment report includes voided checks so payments are listed twice with no notation that the payment check has been voided. When creating custom reports, there is no filter to exclude voided payments. I was advised by foundant support to export two different reports to excel and use a merge query to combine reports. Maybe that sounds easy and doable but not to me. It would be helpful if a we could run a report that shows actual payments.
5 votes -
Parent Org Unable to View Child Org Details in Portal
We utilize the parent and child org relationship quite a bit in our system. In CSuite, when you review a parent org's grant history, all grants received by both the parent and child are listed. It does not appear to do the same within the portal. When the advisor for the parent org logs in, only those grants received by the actual parent are listed. This means a separate log in would be required for each profile within the parent/child family....and often this would be the same person. It would be great that a single log in as the parent org allows you to view ALL details falling under the family unit. Thanks for the consideration :)
We utilize the parent and child org relationship quite a bit in our system. In CSuite, when you review a parent org's grant history, all grants received by both the parent and child are listed. It does not appear to do the same within the portal. When the advisor for the parent org logs in, only those grants received by the actual parent are listed. This means a separate log in would be required for each profile within the parent/child family....and often this would be the same person. It would be great that a single log in as the parent…
1 vote -
Add a label field for the Fund Steward section for each fund in the Giving Hub
In the Giving Hub on the individual fund's donation page, we'd like to add a label that allows us to specify that the person whose contact information and picture showing is the fund's main contact (or as we call it, "Fund Liaison". That way someone from the public can know why the person's contact information and picture is showing.
1 vote -
Sponsored org
Can we add sponsored org to the profile of a organization. This would be helpful so if we create a check for an org, that sponsor automatically goes on the check and gets paid. This will also help with record keeping when we pay grantees.
3 votes -
Candid Search in Portal
We are thrilled to have the ability for our fund advisors to search Candid. However, there are still too many clicks in the process and it is buried. Our donors don't want to think about whether a grantee is already in the One Valley database or not. Please make Candid the default search for "search for a new grantee". Or let us choose that as a setting. If the fund advisors add an org that is already in our database, it is easy to manage through the CSuite grant request bucket. This would simplify things for our advisors.
1 vote -
Remove Grant Request from Left Nav Menu
In the new portal if Grant Request is turned on the Create Grant Request button displays on all the pages - which is great. However, there is a Grant Request item in the left Nav bar that is VERY CONFUSING. This does not navigate to anything useful, it's a list of past grants, that is already available on the Grants nav page. Please remove this Nav item and simply toggle the Create Grant Request button on or off depending on the system settings for this.
1 vote -
Check register to include all check numbers, even "combined' checks
The check register needs to include all check numbers, even "combined' checks. If there are multiple distributions to one recipient, the field is left blank. The check number should print, even if there are multiple of the same check numbers.
1 vote -
Check register needs to include Description from voucher/grant
The check register export needs to include a Description from the voucher/grant. When I send the check register to committee members, they will ask why did I send a $ amount to a particular recipient. If the description is included, the distribution would be more clear.
1 vote -
Include Fund name/short name on Pay vouchers screen
Please include the Fund name/short name on the Pay Vouchers screen. I want to double check that the correct amount is being distributed from the correct fund when paying multiple amounts from multiple funds to the same recipient.
We have multiple people enter the vouchers/grants and the person approving them doesn't always check the attached/uploaded files to make sure the amount is distributing from the correct fund.
When I write the check, I need confidence that the correct amount is being distributed from the correct fund. I have the supporting documentation printed and in front of me when writing checks.
1 vote -
Ability to customize posted voucher screen to include custom fields
When viewing the voucher screen, it would be nice to be able to customize it to your own viewing needs. As a person who is paying the vouchers, perhaps I would like to see what type of payment we are issuing. We have set up the custom field to include various payment types including ACH, direct pay, autopay, check, etc. but have not way to see this information other than filtering the screen to see just one at a time. A customized screen would alleviate those additional steps.
2 votes -
open books need a warning or a password
Hello! We just had an issue where we accidentally opened the books back 10 years because of a typo in the date - can you please either put a warning on the open books feature or password protect it if it goes beyond 1 year? This caused a big issue from some Small Dog fund updates that did not close properly after reclosing the years.,
3 votes
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