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Recurring Grants - New Interval
It would be useful to have more interval options than are available for recurring grants. In particular, we would like to have an 'every other year' option.
An archived idea once suggested a 'twice a month' interval, so other foundations do occasionally wish to set up recurring grants outside of standard intervals.
12 votes -
bulk complete task
From the task list, please add an option be able to mark all or multiple tasks complete, similar to how you can do so with the "Approve All" feature in the grants bucket.
3 votes -
Search results by profile # and name
When you search for a profile by profile number rather than name, the status of the profile (deceased, closed, inactive) is not displayed in the search results. When you search by last name, the profile status is parenthetically displayed in search results. It would be very helpful if the search returned the same information no matter what is used to search.
3 votes -
List of Fund Advisors
In the portal, a donor has asked if we can give him some way to see who is allowed to make a grant request on a fund. For example, the Fund Advisor would allow their children to make grant requests, and they want to see that list of people when he looks at this fund. Quentin said that this isn't currently a feature on the portal, but you can see the list of advisors when you look at grants that have already been created (in the grants tab).
3 votes -
Multiple Advisors on one grant
We have many donor advised funds with multiple advisors. There are often times when they want two or more advisors listed on the same grant. Is there a way to add this option? Otherwise we need to contact the grantee and let them know all of the advisors involved in a grant.
18 votes -
Portal: staff approval option for profile edits
Right now, if the setting that allows logged in Profiles to edit their profiles is enabled, changes made through the online portal immediately update the profile in Csuite. When the "Email Notify on Profile Edit" setting is enabled, selected staff receive an email notifying them of any changes made to the profile without the need for approval. We would like to have the option for a staff-approval process for profile edits in the portal.
7 votes -
Recurring Grant Notifications
We would like to see CSuite generate notifications to grant approvers for recurring grants to help remind staff when the grant is due to go out. A generated email with general grant information would be extremely helpful.
1 vote -
correct formatting
With the addition of the print option in the left hand menu of pages with C-Suite, the print page option now prints vertical lines between column headings and a box around the data on a page. This visually clutters up the report. Could you please reformat to the old format that just included the horizontal lines making the report easier to read but not cluttered?
Also, it would be EXTREMELY helpful to repeat column headings on multiple page printouts. It's next to impossible to know what data is in each column that is being reported on page 2 of an audit report.
Most of these reports are quick reports used for both internal and external purposes, and having to export and reformat just to get repeating column headings is a huge waste of time and productivity.
With the addition of the print option in the left hand menu of pages with C-Suite, the print page option now prints vertical lines between column headings and a box around the data on a page. This visually clutters up the report. Could you please reformat to the old format that just included the horizontal lines making the report easier to read but not cluttered?
Also, it would be EXTREMELY helpful to repeat column headings on multiple page printouts. It's next to impossible to know what data is in each column that is being reported on page 2 of an…
2 votes -
Add filters to grant document bucket
It would be helpful to add filters to the grant document bucket similar to all of the other buckets in the grant module.
5 votes -
Reporting for multiple objects at once
When building a custom report, it would be very useful to be able to report on fields from multiple objects at once. Systems I have used with this capability approached it by starting with a primary object selection (donations for example) and then once you add the unique field for another object (profile id of the donor for example), your list of fields would expand to show all of the fields associated with that new object. Event just the ability to expand into 2 objects would solve a lot of cases where we currently need to pull multiple reports into excel and then combine together.
When building a custom report, it would be very useful to be able to report on fields from multiple objects at once. Systems I have used with this capability approached it by starting with a primary object selection (donations for example) and then once you add the unique field for another object (profile id of the donor for example), your list of fields would expand to show all of the fields associated with that new object. Event just the ability to expand into 2 objects would solve a lot of cases where we currently need to pull multiple reports into…
13 votes -
CommunitySuite Upcoming Releases Page should have a link to the product roadmap
I like to check the Community Suite release notes and frequently visit the upcoming releases page (https://support.foundant.com/hc/en-us/articles/8239927327127-CommunitySuite-Upcoming-Releases). Right now there there isn't anything upcoming and has this message:
We look forward to releasing the following enhancements to your software. Watch for future announcements about when this new functionality will be available in your CommunitySuite solution.
Coming SoonCheck back later for more upcoming releases.
What would be helpful is if it also linked to the product roadmap on this page so we can see the ideas that may become an upcoming release: https://idealab.foundant.com/discovery/roadmap/16777
4 votesThe link to the public roadmap is now available in the 9-dot icon located under your username in the top right of your screen.
Campaigns Without Tickets for Online Donations
Event Campaigns should be able to be created without needing to sell tickets. This would streamline online donations targeted for a specific purpose or campaign. The campaign could then have a specific URL and QR code created, like campaigns already do, but without needing donors to purchase a ticket, it could take them right to a donation page that is tied to the fund attached to that campaign. This would create more efficiency around event campaigns, continue the trend of online donations becoming more popular and accessible at events, and reduce the additional time it takes to manually attach donations to specific giving campaigns. The example for this idea is our annual year-end mailing to affiliate partners; the mailer could have the QR code on the flier, and rather than send in a check and manually add it to the campaign, they could just scan it and donate to the fund directly associated with the fund/campaign designation.
Event Campaigns should be able to be created without needing to sell tickets. This would streamline online donations targeted for a specific purpose or campaign. The campaign could then have a specific URL and QR code created, like campaigns already do, but without needing donors to purchase a ticket, it could take them right to a donation page that is tied to the fund attached to that campaign. This would create more efficiency around event campaigns, continue the trend of online donations becoming more popular and accessible at events, and reduce the additional time it takes to manually attach donations…
96 votes -
When you have a tribute and want to add a Non-Profile Notify that is an organization, you should be able to add a name along with the organization name. We are not going to send a notification to an organization without a person's name attached to it. We want to be sure that it goes to the correct person. Would like the organization name to be there along with first and last name as fields that we can enter.
2 votes -
Budget % Over year automation
When putting in a budget for a fund, is there a way to have it not spread evenly out over the 12 month period? For example, can you allocate different % to different quarters? Like 20% Q1, 25% Q2, 35% Q3 etc. I know there is a manual way where you can put in a specific number for each month, but automating this with % amounts per quarter/month would be great.
2 votes -
(multiple) Stripe Accounts
Is it possible to have different stripe accounts for each affiliate/supporting organization’s giving hub URL ?
5 votes -
Fiscal Sponsor Field on Grantee Designation to Auto-Populate on Grants
We would like for the option to pick a Fiscal Sponsor on the Grantee Designation of a grantee's profile so that it automatically populates on a grant record when it is created for that grantee. Similar to how the Grant Type field on the Grantee Designation automatically populates on a grant record, this would save us time and clicks.
6 votes -
Don't notify advisor any grant adjustments
The other day we had a check that printed on plain paper by accident. We had to adjust all the grants in the batch (cancel payment and then pay again) in order to re-print the check. Every advisor received a notice that payment was cancelled. This caused a lot of confusion. Is there a way to program CSuite so it does not send a notice when "cancelling" a grant payment?
42 votes -
When creating a profile the State should always be capitalized. The system puts it in lower case. Would be great if it was automatically uppercase as it should be.
18 votes -
Add Profile ID to Profile Type Report
Would love for Profile ID to be be added as a Field on the Profile Type report. When working to maintain the data integrity, particularly within Profile Types, it's incredibly difficult and time consuming to do when you cannot easily get a count of profiles that are associated with each Profile Type. By adding Profile ID, I'd at the very least be able to export all to Excel and create a pivot table.
1 voteProfile Type can be added as a column to a profile report OR from profile types in the profile left menu, select the profile type id, then list profiles.
General Ledger Report
I just completed my first audit using CSuite. My auditors missed having a GL report that listed all transactions by account with a beginning balance and total for each account, with the overall GL total at the end of the report.
To do this in CSuite, I had to run a GL report for each account as running the GL report for the entire FY did not have a beginning balance - even though it could be sorted by account and formulas added for account sub-totals once exported into Excel.
3 votes
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