844 results found
select multiple rows/columns in tables
Add the ability to select multiple rows/columns when building tables, so that when you mess up for the 50th time, you can delete all your extra rows at once. :-)
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Place eligibility quiz in a place where it is accessible to everyone with samples on how to set them up for scholarships and grants
I would like to learn how to use the eligibility quiz for both my applications and scholarships in order to streamline the ineligible applicants.
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Create reports by organization in addition to report creation by process
The report builder in GLM and SLM is driven by the grant/scholarship process. It would be helpful to be able to build reports outside of the process framework.
We want a central place to track non-profits and contacts in GLM who are also profiles in cSuite. For example, to figure out who is registered in GLM to submit an LOI or application or follow-ups so we can compare with the information on those profiles (org and contact) in cSuite. Bonus points if the Grant ID from GLM, and the Profile ID in cSuite, could be included in the report!
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Ability to close 1 evaluation
I would love the ability to close either eval 1 or 2 and leave the other open. We use one eval for staff and one for committee members. If we leave the committee member evaluation open while staff is reviewing, members change their comments and/or scores.
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Reflect the Total #s on the tabs on Org page
It would be great to see the total number of requests/comments/documents on the top (tabs) under org page. Right now, you can see the numbers on request page but not org page. e.g. We have to click on comment to see if there is any comments posted.
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Round Robin Assignment for Committee Members
As a scholarship Admin I want functionality to allow the system to randomly assign scholarship reviewrs.
An Example: For Scholarship Committee A, I want the system to randomly split my 8 reviewers into 4 groups of 2, then auto assign 25% of the applications to 1 group of reviewers.
This would reduce my work to evenly and randomly distribute scholarships for review.
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randomize order of evaluations for reviewers
Some of our reviewers have said that they evaluate differently at the beginning of their review process than the end of the review process, despite every effort to be consistent. One of them suggested that a way to mitigate reviewer "fatigue" or "learned bias" could be to randomize the order in which applications are listed in the dashboard of each reviewer on a grant review committee. What one person reviews first might be the next reviewer's 10th or 50th application to review in that process.
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Administrator Comment Box
In an LOI or Application, when you click on Edit Comment for the Administrator Comment box, you then ALSO have to put your curser in the box and click to be able to type a comment. It would be super helpful if it automatically put the curser in the box to type. That is why you open the box.
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if a process is turned off, so too is the associated eligibility quiz.
If a process is turned off, so too is the associated eligibility quiz. This is VERY confusing for applicants...they see an eligibility quiz and assume they need to fill it out, even though that process is closed. It makes them think they are not eligible to apply for the open process, when in actuality they were just filling out a form for a closed process and get an error message.
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Pass/Fail Eligibility Quizzes on Reports
It would be extremely helpful if we could pull failed quizzes into reports.
We have had situations where students (bless their hearts) answer questions incorrectly on the quiz and then give up on contacting us to reset these quizzes. Instead, they don't fill out the application.
If we could pull this information into a report with contact information and responses, we could easily contact them and remind them that we are here to help.3 votes -
Keep it simple. SORT SORT SORT, should be a simple click of the header and not MANUALLY sort. Good grief!
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"make payment"
Add a "fund source" field to the Make Payment form
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Merge Document for Multiple Processes
Because our applications differ by grant type, we have set our processes up by foundation and then by grant type. So for one foundation, we may have five or six different processes. The Board will review all foundation requests at the same time. It would be nice to be able to run a merge document for multiple requests across multiple processes. This would save us a tremendous amount of time when generating award/declination letters.
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batch draft
In the Application Evaluations Closed list, the batch denial pop up (that has decision date and comments) should have a button/option for saving draft denials.
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Search for keywords
It would be so very helpful if there could be a Google Search-like function across all applications. (Or, all "awarded" grants, all "denied" grants, etc.) For example, I might like to know if we've awarded any applications dealing with the opioid crisis. Ideally, I could search the word "opioid," and any application containing that word would show up.
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changing fields reports
Perhaps I am using reports incorrectly, but whenever I need to edit the fields included in a report, it wipes out all the settings for aggregation, sorting, paginating, charts, etc. Is there a way to keep those settings while Choosing Fields? Thanks!
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Administrator Comments vs Applicant Viewing Administrator comments
In the past few months, I've seen a high increase in applicants emailing and calling saying they cannot find the "Administrator Comment" when I revert back to draft, so I logged back in as the applicant to see what the sudden confusion is - it's incredibly hard to find in the applicant view! When I MAKE an administrator comment, there is a blue highlighted strip across the top. When I log in as the applicant, there is just a little vertical bar, with text smaller than regular instructions. A lot of our applicants are elderly, and it's been very time…
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Invalidating data in a field
Prevent invalid data in a field with a stop alert. It would be great if you could invalidate an applicant's improper entry in a field. For instance, if a certain org. budget size is an eligibility criterion, It'd be great if non-confirming entries got a "stop" message to refer back to instructions, guidelines, contact staff with questions, etc. So if an award cycle is intended for orgs. with budgets less than say $200K, it would offer an alert or error message to the applicant for any figure above that amount.
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time stamp
Time stamp for last application edit and submission. It would be helpful to know when someone last modified an application both for cut-off purposes and to see early on if someone was likely to be abandoning an application.
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Contract renewal alerts
We have a good number of contracts that extend over different lengths of time. We would love to see an alert feature that lets us know when we need to review and renew a particular contract. Maybe something that pops up on the dashboard when we log in.
3 votes
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