958 results found
LOI decline vs application decline
We would love to be able to see whether a past grant was declined at the LOI stage or the application stage on the organization summary page. Currently, the application status simply says "denied" if a grant was declined, but for us it is important to know at which stage a past grant was declined. As it is now, we have to go through multiple steps, looking at what we have from the applicant and determining if it is a full application. Simply stating that information on the organization summary page would make this an even better "at a glance"…
10 votes -
0 votes
Saving all documents in one packet
I would really love a way to export all documents, applications, evaluations etc. for an org (for each particular process) all at once rather than downloading and saving each item individually.
For example, Grantee A: LOI, LOI Eval, App, App Eval and any other docs or processed they completed for a particular grant.
This would be incredibly helpful for filing purposes to have everything in one place/merged into one document.
Currently, we have to go to each separate proccess to create packets and save...very time consumming!
7 votes -
Exporting Comments
Would it be possible to build in the functionality to to export Organization Comments? (Ideally, I'd find it really helpful if both the Comments & the Organization description could be included in the pdf produced by "Print Organization Packet", but failing that any kind of export functionality for comments would be great!)
The same question also applies for project comments (we just happen to use the organization ones more).
19 votes -
Date LOI or Application Last Updated
Right now the system only saves the first date an applicant saved an LOI or application draft. You have no idea if someone has abandoned the application or if they are slowly working on it. Is there a way to show when someone last saved an application or LOI? Furthermore, can you create a report that would show this information? Right now, quick export only shows the first date an application or LOI was saved so if you made the first change then maybe the date would be correct in quick export...?
9 votes -
Show "date last modified" in workflow list for draft LOIs, applications, and followups
It would be helpful to show the date last modified on the workflow page that lists applications, LOIs, or followups that are in draft form. (Much as the date submitted is shown for submitted applications, LOIs, and followups.) This way I could tell at a glance whether applicants are progressing on their drafts. https://d2r1vs3d9006ap.cloudfront.net/s3_images/975796/Image1.jpg?1382554177
43 votes -
Submission date/time not a report field?
I am creating a report that I want to sort by the date/time of submission. We assign file numbers in the order grants were received. As staff begin to mark submissions as "complete," they are asked to assign a file number to a staff assigned field. I want to export a report of applicant names in the order they were received to an Excel document. There I can enter file numbers, and staff can reference the Excel document to look up file numbers.
Unfortunately, it does not appear that there is a report field for submission date. Can you…
2 votes -
foundation assigned grant numbers
We use a grant number that we assign after an application is submitted. The number reflects the year and order received within the year. We have historically used this number to a great extent and have created a field for it in GMS. The place we really miss it is on all of the Open Requests screens where the headings are proscribed and include Process, Organization, Applicant, Project. Does anyone else long for the opportunity to have Number reflected there? Has anyone found a good way to work around that? If we want to get the number to show up…
19 votes -
Read only reports for board members
I would like the board members to have read only access to reports. Standard reports and saved reports would be great. At this time board members are also administrators and the chance for them to accidentally blow something up is too risky.
5 votes -
Email records
http://null When using the email function / templates to contact applicants, is there any way the messages could be saved to the applicant's profile or tracked? It would be most helpful to have a log created of all communication sent to an applicant within their organization profile. Failing that, it would be useful to at least have a general "sent messages" folder. Does this exist now or is it possible in the future?
posted October 19, 2011 by Alison King, The Ron Joyce Foundation
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Comments or Notes Fields for Users
I would like to see a "Comments" or "Notes" field added to User records.
There are a number of interactions that we have with Users that we have no place to record information about, such as when a change in contact information has occurred (I can currently record the new information, but I would like to keep the history about the old information and when the change occurred), also notes about our interactions with this person, or their role in the organization (ie. they are an assistant to someone, etc.)
posted July 8, 2013 by Karen Wallace, First Fruit Incorporated
3 votes -
Social media info as part of organization database?
Hi everyone,
I'm the new kid on the block, client #491. :)
I'm wondering if Foundant has given thought to including twitter and facebook IDs into the registration page for organizations?
I've found that interacting by social media has been a great way to get a handle on what's happening in a charity.
Many thanks,
Markposted August 13, 2013 by Mark Petersen, Bridgeway Foundation
2 votes -
Payment Screen Charity Check
Would it be possible to add a Guidestar Charity check button on the payment screen in the area by the payment amount? This would be helpful in making sure the charity check was done before making the payment. In the past I have forgotten to do this at the time of making payment, a button here would help if it is possible.
8 votes -
Payment Address
Is there a place to enter the check payment address? If not how have others worked around it.
posted February 28, 2012 by Kyle Castronova, OMeGA
6 votes -
Evaluation Summary - for staff evaluator role
(Suggested by fellow grants staff Trudy Wild)
Currently there is an attractive summary of all panelist scores and comments (Dashboard / Application Evaluation Open / Summary) - but only staff can access this (Our evaluations are anonymous and un-shared). This is available per application, with questions down the left hand side and staff evaluator names across the top.
We'd like for a single staff evaluator to be able to view his own summary. This should encompass all applications in one view - with questions down the left hand side and applicant organization names across the top.
posted September 16, 2013…
4 votes -
Evaluation Reports
We conduct two rounds of evaluations on every grant application. After the first round we provide the results to the second group of people evaluating. Finally, at our board meeting we provide the results from both rounds of evaluations.
We currently provide these to our evaluators through a fairly complicated merge document that we process after each evaluation. We were hoping that you all could create a report for all evaluations done, as well as a nicely laid out print packet of whichever evaluations were needed.
Additionally, we have our second round evaluators check a yes, no or maybe box…
8 votes -
Evaluating Follow-up submissions
The ability to have an optional Evaluation stage to Follow-up forms would be helpful for some clients. The genesis for this idea came from an earlier discussion area post. Please use this post for any further comments.
Let the conversation begin! Thank you,
Here is the original post:
I am a new Foundant user. Prior to using the Foundant system, when a grantee mailed us a grant report, our two staff members would review it (especially the employee who was "in charge" of a particular grant), then we would copy it and enclose it in the (snail-mailed) docket for…
96 votes -
Doing Business As or AKA searches
Many times a non-profit changes its organization's name or does business under another name other than their legal name. It would be very helpful if the GLM system had a field called "DBA or AKA" in which you could enter other names by which the organization is known. In GLM, our foundation lists an organization according to their legal name and we try to stick to that for consistency for entering organizations names in their GLM record. The legal name may be longer or cumbersome and the organization ends up going by a shorter name or acronym which people know…
10 votes -
Mulitple Addresses under Org
We often give to organizations who in turn fund other individuals (actual grant recipient) in separate locations. It would be great if we could have both the general organization info as well as a place for contact info for individual recipient. Sometimes, we even give to one organization with multiple grants, each eventually funding different individuals around the world. I am somewhat new to this so I may be missing something...
Idea posted June 15, 2011 by Amity Wicks, Rivendell Stewards Trust
4 votes -
Tabbed sections in Applications
I would love to be able to break up long applications into tabbed sections or, better yet, separate pages. The ability to add section breaks and group questions that came with GLM 2.0 helps. But I still think it would be easier for grant seekers to navigate long applications if questions were organized on different pages.
Survey Moneky has a nice interface for organizing questions in multiple page surveys. Their interface doesn't allow users to select pages by clicking on a tab, which is what I would love to see, but it does allow users to flip between pages that…
4 votes
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