968 results found
Navigate back to approval bucket after approving a grant
As a grant approver, my workflow would be greatly improved if I had the option to navigate back to the Approval bucket after I have approved a grant. The current options don't work for us because we move grants to the Approval bucket to encumber multi-fund requests. They aren't necessarily ready to be paid out yet, so jumping to the oldest grant in the approval bucket isn't helpful at all. It would be much more helpful to go back into the Approval bucket to scan for grants that are ready for us to pay.
2 votes -
Add "Admin Fee Type" or "Admin Fee Group" to Financial Filter
Please add "Admin Fee Type" or "Admin Fee Group" to Financial Filter. We have many different types of Admin fee types linked with many Admin Fee Groups. We would like to be able to quickly run financial reports by those grouped funds.
7 votes -
upload IDs with Donor ID
Currently, you need the Profile ID or Fund ID to do an Upload in Custom Reports... could we add the option to upload by Donor ID?
1 vote -
Donation Portal: Event Tickets option to cover the fees
Can we have an option to turn off the "include credit card fees" box for the cart on the Event Tickets tab only? We want it for our Donate To a Fund" tab, but when it comes to Events, we find that if we have an event price=event value (there isn't a donation component in the event price), then if someone includes the option to cover the credit card fees, then an automatic donation letter for the credit card fee amount (less than $2.00) is sent to the even ticket purchaser. We want to keep the option for a DONOR…
1 vote -
Your Tickets tab Styles donation portal
Please allow styling of the Your Ticket tab donation portal; we would like to be able to have consistent logos and banners on that tab to match the other tabs.
3 votes -
Grant notify details needed
Our fund holders love the grant notify email (confirming the grants they have submitted) however many have asked for more details. They would like to have Grantee address included to confirm that the correct location was selected. They would also like to see the amount formatted to dollars.
6 votes -
Donation Portal - Sort/Category Option for events
Would you please consider adding a sort option or categories for events? We have events for NonProfit Professionals, Donors, Development Officers etc and it would be nice to be able to group them together for ease of viewing and registering.
5 votes -
First and Last Donation Date to change based on other report filters
It would be extremely beneficial if the first and last donation date field would change based on other filters in the custom report. Ex. A donation report filtered by a fund that shows all the donors to the fund with the date of the first and last donation to that fund.
6 votes -
Multiple Advisors on one grant
We have many donor advised funds with multiple advisors. There are often times when they want two or more advisors listed on the same grant. Is there a way to add this option? Otherwise we need to contact the grantee and let them know all of the advisors involved in a grant.
17 votes -
Optional Grant Letter
Create a "Need a Letter?" checkbox much like the one for tax receipts when processing donations
3 votes -
Bank Reconciliation Note Section (Left Side Menu)
Can we add a Note Section to the left side menu of a completed Bank Rec?
12 votes -
include all data fields if record available for a report
If a record is included in the list of data to select for the report, allow all fields on the record to be added to the report. Example: opportunity report allows me to report org role id and type but not the start and end date. We track when donors are added to our legacy society through org roles (because it's dated) and stewarding those members through opportunities, it would be helpful to know when they joined (start date).
7 votes -
Minimize/Maximize file categories
We love being able to create categories for files and will be utilizing it more soon. We discovered, however, that when there are many files in a fund, it would be beneficial to minimize all fund categories and be able to just maximize the category we're looking for a file under.
3 votes -
Make Suggested Donation Levels Customizable for Affiliate/Supporting Org Donation Portals
We like the idea of the suggested donation levels but would love to have them be customizable for our Affiliate/Supporting Org pages. Our giving circle has a specific membership level and it would be great to have that amount be the suggested donation for that page while having other suggested donation amounts for the general donation page. Thanks for considering.
11 votes -
Fund Advisor Template - Total by Advisor vs Fund
We have many separately invested funds where the profile/donor and financial advisor are the same. One GL account may contain multiple funds to invest the balance in one account vs one account per fund.
It would be extremely beneficial to have the template for Fund Advisor Transfer Letters contain an option for the total by financial advisor instead of by fund. The financial advisors may not be aware that there are multiple funds invested in the single donor account. This is currently causing confusion and making the templates less useful then they could be.
1 vote -
Profile mailing address
We have profiles with a Primary address and a different Mailing address. When creating a report we are not able to have Mailing Address as a field, only whether or not there is a mailing address. Could the Mailing Address be a radial button like the Pay and Primary addresses are? This may also help with Campaigns . . . If a profile has a Mailing Address, that is the address used. If not, the Primary Address is used. Currently we get labels for both Primary and Mailing Address and one needs to be removed. Thank you.
4 votes -
Please make new tributes default to private
Currently any tribute created is made public immediately. This leads to a lot of clean-up later. Could tributes be made private by default or could we have a setting that makes this an option?
8 votes -
Eliminate multiple mailing labels in campaigns
When generating mailing labels or exporting mailing labels to CSV in a campaign, it pulls both Primary and Mailing addresses for the same profile. We would prefer it to pull Mailing as the default, and Primary only when there isn't a Mailing address.
5 votes -
When moving a profile from 'inactive' to 'active', automatically remove 'inactive' from the address, email, and phone fields
When moving a profile from 'inactive' to 'active', it is currently required to then click Clear 'do not mail', 'do not email', and 'do not call'. These steps do not remove 'inactive' from the address, email, and phone fields. It's then required to remove 'inactive' from these 3 fields. This should automatically happen when moving the profile from 'inactive' to 'active'.
24 votes -
When creating a profile the State should always be capitalized. The system puts it in lower case. Would be great if it was automatically uppercase as it should be.
18 votes
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