892 results found
Edit a Pledge
Please offer an option to edit a pledge after it's creation; whether it be to change the amount (accidental zeroes happen!) or change the donor from a household to an individual, it should be allowed to edit. Having to delete or 'write off' a pledge if a mistake occurs can have large and messy complications in our financials. This was posted previously but did not get moved along. Thank you!
17 votes -
Grant Approver: Easier way to create new approver
Provide the functionality to be able to either copy a grant approver to another grant approver, mirroring the funds they can approve, or allow for bulk adding of funds to a grant approver based on fund group.
30 votes -
Security Issue: Inactivating a User
We have a security issue that I hope can be addressed. We need to give someone the ability to inactivate a user without giving them extensive access throughout CSuite. This is necessary for immediate off-boarding. Right now, the only way to provide the ability to inactivate someone is to give them Edit permission on Users. Once you have that permission, you can add anyone to groups, sufficient enough to give almost anyone system-wide permissions. That’s sensitive and dangerous. We just want to give someone the ability to do user maintenance functions, such as resetting a password, unlocking a user, or…
11 votes -
Show Steward Active/Inactive Status in System Configuration Steward List
Show inactive stewards in italics at bottom of the steward list just as inactive org roles show in the org roles section of the relationships tab in organization profiles. Also add active/inactive as report and filter options on steward custom reports and other reports that can include steward information.
15 votes -
Add "Are you sure you want to copy?" to all copy buttons
The copy buttons don't require any confirmation that you actually want to copy prior to the copy being completed currently. This is an issue because it is often next to "edit" or "merge" buttons, so it is fairly easy to mistakenly click from time to time. Additionally, it can be fairly easy to miss that you did copy the record since the only indication is a refresh of your screen in most cases, so this can result in duplicate records and confusion. A simple screen asking if you want to copy this record would avoid this without causing too much…
11 votes -
Upload auction items via spreadsheet
We would love to be able to upload out auction items via a spreadsheet instead of entering items individually. This would be a huge timesaver.
4 votes -
Revenue Share Deposits - Impact Investment Interest Income
Revenue Share for Deposits
We get interest income from impact investments which are in our investment pool. We would like to be able to revenue share these deposits rather than do a negative voucher to allocate the interest income.
13 votes -
Export Balance Swap
We would love the ability to export the balance swap screen to Excel. We have historically printed the potential swaps, evaluated, and then come back in to accept/deny the swaps but would love if we can export to Excel.
15 votes -
Reporting for multiple objects at once
When building a custom report, it would be very useful to be able to report on fields from multiple objects at once. Systems I have used with this capability approached it by starting with a primary object selection (donations for example) and then once you add the unique field for another object (profile id of the donor for example), your list of fields would expand to show all of the fields associated with that new object. Event just the ability to expand into 2 objects would solve a lot of cases where we currently need to pull multiple reports into…
13 votes -
campaign tax receipt
When you setup a campaign event you are not allowed to suppress the automated online donation tax receipt. So the donor receives the campaign event tax receipt and the online donation tax receipt. It would be helpful if foundant could add a check box to suppress the automated online donations tax receipt letter for campaigns without affecting all online donations.
13 votes -
Grant description field should be larger so it can be viewed without scrolling
Could you please modify the grant description field so that it automatically wraps text when adding or editing descriptions?
Currently, the field allows up to 255 characters, but it's challenging to verify entries because we can't view the entire description at once. It would greatly improve usability if the description text wrapped within the field during data entry, allowing us to see the complete description without having to scroll. Once the grant is saved, we can read the entire description in one field but still have to scroll when editing.
18 votes -
Allow edits to password reset email for fund advisor portal
Allow password reset email to be customized within the content section similar to the other email notifications.
17 votes -
Fund Created Field - not a date stamp
For us the Created date for a fund is the date the fund agreement was signed which is never the same day we are creating the fund in Csuite. This field used to just be a date field and then turned into a date stamp. Now after we create the fund in Csuite we always have to edit the date stamp to be the date the fund agreement was signed. And being a date stamp, we have to be sure to only edit the date and leave the time in the field or the system won't accept it. This field…
13 votes -
Fund Balance Check on Grant Posting
When posting a grant, the system should check the balance of the fund no matter what the grant date or posting date is. Currently the system only checks the fund balance and gives a warning message if the grant date and date it's being posted are the same. If the grant date is in the future (as all of ours are), the system will allow you to post grants over the balance in the fund. As we are not posting grants on the same day as the grant date, it would be ideal if the system would give a warning…
14 votes -
Donation Portal Fund Grouping, Nonprofit Service Area, and Tabs
Thanks for all the great recent donation portal updates! I like that we now have the option to show the fund's grant type on the fund listing page. It would be great if there was also the option to group funds by their grant types like how the nonprofit directory works. We like that the nonprofit directory includes the grant types, but it would be great if service areas could be an additional way to filter this page. In addition, it would be great to be able to reorder the tabs that appear on the portal. We don't currently have…
13 votes -
Multiple Email Options for Communications
When individuals unsubscribe from Mailchimp emails, it is impossible to discern if they want to unsubscribe just from marketing/ communication emails and who should just simply be marked "do not email". If Foundant could add choices on emails that indicates something to the effect of, "Marketing Emails" and/or "Foundation business" as boxes to check as options, similar to "mailing" or "inactive" for mailing addresses, that would be very helpful. Currently, if someone unsubscribes from a MailChimp blast, there is no way to realistically remove that person from marketing email blasts unless you go 1-by-1 and remove them from every campaign…
26 votes -
Financial Package
It would be great if we could create a financial package of specific financial statements with certain filters and column settings and then be able to run it as of a specific time frame and it generates all of the reports into Excel or something.
17 votes -
fund balance on fund history page
Taking this archived idea back up: It would be great if the fund history page showed the fund balance as of a specific date. This is a great page for our advancement team and with the addition of the balance, everything they want to have at hand when talking with a donor about their fund would be on the same page.
28 votes -
Email Tax Receipt Preview
It would be a great help to be able to preview the way emails will look prior to sending. We emailed some stock letters that were missing gift data and I had no way to know that. Irksome.
16 votes -
Campaign: Ticket date
It would be great if campaigns could change or show the date as per the date on the ticket, not the actual campaign end date.
4 votes
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